parent problems ~wm~

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TW: arguing.

Eliza aged- 7
Billy & Tommy aged- 12

Eliza's POV:

The tension at the table was building up and it was getting more awkward as time went on. Mom and dad are currently in an argument about something.

Probably something stupid like always!

"Tommy can you pass me the garlic bread please?" I ask my older brother, who would usually say no and tease me about it, but actually agrees and passes me the garlic bread with a sweet smile to which I return.

"Thank you" I put the garlic bread in my mouth and begin to eat it more quickly then usual. I do not want to be sat here while mom and dad are arguing and it's completely quiet. I hate awkwardness and do my best to avoid it, even though I'm the one who usually causes the awkwardness.

"Eliza slow down, your food isn't going anywhere!" Daddy says quite firmly to me, making me chew slower and frown. Billy places his hand on mine and gives me a reassuring smile. "Eat at your own pace Zaza."

I nod and continue to eat how I was before, making dad let out a huff of annoyance. I look up to mama who's staring off into space, probably miles and miles away.

I finish my dinner and Tommy takes mine and Billy's plates before giving Billy a nod to take me upstairs. I take his hand and he leads me to his room where I watch him play some video games.

Tommy comes up not long after and joins us. When mommy and daddy argue, Billy and Tommy do their best to make sure I don't hear it by keeping me in their room.

"It's late Tommy, we should probably take her to bed." Billy whispers to Tommy as I begin to slowly drift off.

"But they're still arguing!" Tommy whispers yells back, making me sit up on the bed. "Still arguing?" I groan with a whine.

"No za I think they've stopped now, let's take you to bed." Billy lies. I know they're still arguing but I don't care, I want to go to bed.

I make grabby hands at my brother and he lifts me up onto his hip. I like being carried and tucked into bed by my big brothers but I'd prefer mama to do it.

Tommy rubs patterns on my back just like mommy does while Billy hums. I slowly begin to drift into my slumber as I cuddle tightly onto my teddy, bobo.

* * *

I open my eyes to my night light which is still turned on, which means mommy hasn't gone to bed yet. It must be the middle of the night since my little bunny clock says 2:35AM. That means the time everyone should be asleep but mommy and daddy are not.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, I can't reach the light switch so I go in the dark. I wash my hands and go to the stairs, preparing myself to ask mommy if she'll come lay with me.

I get about halfway down when I see mama sat on the couch looking very sad. Her leg is bouncing up and down quickly and she has tears rolling down her stained cheeks. Daddy paces backwards and forwards up and down the living room, biting his nails.

"Im sorry vis but...I'm not going back there." Mama's voice says shakily. Daddy kneels infront of mama, placing his hand on her knee and staring deeply into her eyes.

"They just need your help, Wanda, please. They need us, they need you." Daddy explains seriously.

Mommy shakes her head repeatedly making dad look more frustrated. "I said, IM NOT GOING BACK THERE, VISION!" Mama yells making me jump.

"Wanda I-"




"Wanda, listen, they still need our help, darling please..." Dad twists his wedding ring around his finger while mommy wipes her tears away.

"Why won't you listen to me vis?! If you want to go, you can go, I'm not leaving this house with my children knowing they can get hurt! I'm not going to risk loosing one of my babies, you might be prepared too but I am not! And I am not leaving them here were I cannot keep an eye on them! So just drop it, please." Mama begins to sob into her hands.

Daddy stands there dumbfounded. Not moving or doing anything to help mommy, who looks like she's struggling to breathe.

"Mommy!" I cry, running down the stairs and into my mothers arms to provide her the comfort my father could not be bothered too.

I cuddle into her as she cries into my shoulder, I rub my hand up and down her back just like she does to me when I cry or try to go to sleep. I move hair out of her face and kiss her cheek. "It's okay, mommy, I'm here."

She cracks a smile and picks me up, placing me on her hip. Mama stops in her tracks to look daddy in the eyes. "I-Im not going to change my mind vision, so don't bother asking." She tells him sternly, clinging onto me tighter almost like if she looses her grip, she'll loose me forever.

Mommy gets into my bed beside me, which is big enough for the two of us surprisingly. I hold onto her hand and read one of my stories to her after giving her one of my teddy bears. Her favourite teddy bear is my baby bear bobo, he's my favourite but I'm letting mommy have him since she's sad.

I look to my side and see mama sleeping peacefully. I smile contently and switch off my night light before cuddling into her and falling asleep myself.


Wanda's POV:

I wake up with Eliza snuggled up to me and her bear in my arms which has absorbed most of my tears from last night's incident.

Vision was so eager for me to go help the team on a mission that he began to practically force me to go, but I wasn't having any of it. I wasn't going to take my children anywhere that had any risk of danger and I certainly wasn't going to leave them with a complete stranger.

I climb out of her bed, slowly picking her little body up and carrying it with me downstairs. I place her on the couch with a blanket and go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

I go into the kitchen and see a note stuck to the fridge.

'I'm sorry things turned out the way they did last night, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I'm so sorry my darling, please forgive me. But I have to help them my love, I hope you understand. Take care of our children and yourself, I'll be back as soon as I can.
Lots of love- Vis x'

I manage to crack a smile at his note and stick it back to the fridge, before grabbing the milk to finish the twin's cereal. They both appear at either of my sides and give me a hug, I wrap my arms around the two of them and bring them close.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that babies, thank you for looking after your sister for me." I place a kiss on their heads.

"No problem Mom, I hope you're okay." Tommy mumbles into my side and I ruffle his hair. "We love you mom." Billy smiles and I squeeze them tighter.

"A group hug without me?!" Eliza grumbles as she groggily walks into the kitchen. "Nooo of course not!" Tommy says sarcastically, opening his free arm for her to join the hug and I hold all of my children together.

I love my children and I would do absolutely anything for them. I would die for them, kill for them, I'd sacrifice for them. Anything. Anything at all.


Sorry for not uploading in a while, hope this was okay!!😭 thank you for being patient with me, I'm currently writing a few other chapters so I'll upload them asap. Love you all, goodnight🫶🏻.

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