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We got to the shed and airy finished my bed. He sat on his and turned the lights off. "Um...I'm going to bed now..." He said while laying down. I figured I might as well go to bed as well so I sat on my bed made of logs and leaves. It wasn't too uncomfortable plus it's better then my bed at home.

I laid down and stared at airy trying to fall asleep while my eyes adjusted to the dark, He looked back at me. "Um did- did you want something?" He asked while slightly blushing while looking at you

you got closer to him and looked him in the eyes. "Y/n what are you doing..?" He asked while his face got redder. Without thinking you pulled him in and kissed him deeply. He was shocked at first but after a bit he put his cold hand on your face. You realized what you were doing and pulled away quickly.

"Shit... sorry i- I wasn't thinking" I looked away and got red of embarrassment "lets- lets just go to bed" I said while breathing heavily "y/n its ok i just didn't think you liked me like that-" he said while fidgeting with his hands. "Just go to bed" I said while turning around and closing my eyes.

Sorry for the short ahh chapter

232 words

the light within my lantern~ airy x reader (hfjone)Where stories live. Discover now