Chapter 6

148 3 2

Seth POV

I heard footsteps. Loud ones. I turned around, facing the bars. I put my hands firmly on the icy cold metal poles. The footsteps came to a stop before my cell, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was really dark, but I knew distinctly who that was. "Kendra?"

She whipped around, startled, and then she whispered, "Seth! You're okay! Oh my goodness. I was so worried!"

"Get the keys over there by the wall." I murmured, pointing through my bars.

Just as Kendra reached for the keys, they started glowing a bright blue, then floated to the guy who was a replica of my body. "Oh no." I muttered, hoping for the best.

"Very clever. An invisible dragon? That, my friend, I have not seen before." He chuckled, twirling the keys on his finger.

We sat there, in silence, until I blurted, "So, what should we call you? Mister, guy, shadow, stingbulb? Do any of those work for you?"

"Wow, Seth, you just think of the perfect things to say during a serious situation, don't you?" Kendra muttered.

"Just call me...Gavin."

A/N: Sorry, cliffhanger. 🤔 Btw, Happy Halloween 🎃

My siblings will have quite the sugar rush tonight, wish me luck😶

Word count: 195

Brackendra - Continuation of Fablehaven/DragonwatchWhere stories live. Discover now