Chapter 3

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Seth POV

It felt like we were flying for forever. "Ugh, when will we get there?" I groaned.

"Would you stop being impatient, Seth? Raxtus is trying his best!" Kendra whisper-yelled at me.

"We're almost there!" Raxtus called.

Suddenly, the air turned cold.

"What is that?" I asked shakily, pointing. There was a large, rusted black building in the distance. And I mean large.

"It looks...sorta like...a prison?" Kendra said.

"Hmm, maybe, but Raxtus, do you think this is it?" I called over.

"Yes, I think so!" he called back.

"It looks sketchy. I don't know about this." I said, uneasy.

Kendra POV

Since when has Seth said sketchy? Also he hasn't made a joke in the last five hours, which is concerning. Whatever, he's probably just tired. Just then, we swiftly landed on some black rock. And the front doors of the building opened.


We walked over to the front doors and looked inside. It was dark and creepy, and there was a vast chamber before us. I breathed into the misty air as we walked in the building. It was eerie in there.

"Seth, you're kind of creeping me out right now, can you, like, say something, please?" I asked, my voice shaking.

I turned around. But I wish I hadn't. Seth was standing there, wearing a smile that the real Seth would never make.

Raxtus pushed me behind him and spoke to "Seth". " Who are you? We know you are not the real Seth! Where did you take him?" He yelled.

"Oh, I am just a, how would you word this, an abomination." It said, with an icy feeling.

"Like a stingbulb?" I asked.

"Kind of." The voice answered. "But stingbulbs don't have their own mindset, they just steal memories and act through them. But my species actually have our own mindset. Yes, we can follow orders, but we can also think for ourselves, do what we want."

"You still haven't answered our question." Raxtus spoke up.

"Ah, yes, how rude of me." He sighed, but it was a happy sigh. "Your brother, Kendra, is right here, in this castle."

A/N: I'm genuinely proud of this chapter. Also, the next chapter will be the real Seth's POV. (:

Word count: 352

Brackendra - Continuation of Fablehaven/DragonwatchWhere stories live. Discover now