A message

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Hi Phil,

Everything's been great so there is no need to worry.

I'm not sure if I've said it before but there's a vice principal now - kinda with it was me. I haven't spoken to him, but he doesn't seem that approachable, and he keeps Tubbo busy most of the time. Speaking of which, Tubbo has been chosen as the student voice and organiser: I'm so proud of him!! I hope I'll get a chance to tell him soon.

Phil, next time we meet, I have a song I want to sing to you. Music has really been helping me cope. Unfortunately there won't be a concert soon but don't worry, I'll make it happen.

About the anniversary, I don't think I'll do anything special: a dinner would suffice. I'll probably make one of the recipes from our last.

I think I can move on.

Wil, your son.

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