The Rogue Prince

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Maelys awoke the next day to the shrill song of sparrows sat on the balcony wall. She took a deep breath in, stretching her stagnant limbs, before releasing again. Blinking a few times, her vision came to focus.

The princess sluggishly left her luxurious heap of bedsheets and wrapped herself in a cotton shawl, before heading over to her mirror.

A set of deep lavender eyes stared back at her, framed by thick but fair eyebrows and some platinum tresses of hair that fell about her face.  A few light freckles settled atop her nose and cheeks - too much time spent above the clouds, she thought.

"Maelys? Princess?"

It was Elise, her trusted handmaiden, thumping on the door to Maelys' chambers. The princess sighed and made her way to open the door. 

"I am sorry, Elise." She apologised sleepily, stifling a yawn.
"Good morning," Elise grinned as she entered the chambers, "Prince Daemon is on his way and has requested that the princesses join to receive him."
", alright," Maelys replied, anxiety bubbling in her throat again. She knew she would be seeing the Prince, but she did not expect his request for their audience. The Princess noticed Elise's hands were quite full with garments, swamping her small stature. She herself wore simple, earthy-toned dresses of brown and gold and orange.

"There isn't much time, come on."

Like every morning, Elise helped Maelys to wash and get herself ready. They chatted and giggled as they normally did. Though Elise did not usually join her with Nyra and Alicent, Maelys considered her to be a close friend with whom she could trust almost any secret. She thought Elise to be a very pretty girl herself - with thick auburn hair and round hazel eyes, rosy cheeks full of colour.

"Your Mother sent this dress for you to wear, Princess." The Handmaiden gushed, holding up the embellished materials.

A frock of light purple, made from thick silk - fairly simple, but made with a beautiful iridescent fabric which shifted from pale blue to lavender.

Elise handed the princess a damp cloth with which to wipe the sleep away and refresh her skin. Maelys then slipped off her night gown and allowed Elise to help her into her corset.

The princess had come to like her corset as she matured. When she was first made to wear it, she would detest its rigidity, trying her best to wriggle and writhe free of the restraints.

Now, though, she admittedly enjoyed the way it made her feel; it upheld her spine, helping her to walk with confidence and poise. She felt as though it was a purely feminine talent to sail corridors and grand staircases so effortlessly, all the while having her spine bound in panels and lace.

Elise lead the princess to the free-standing mirror, which sat across from the balcony.

"Breathe in," The handmaiden advised, as to not tie the corset too tightly. Maelys did as she was told, and Elise pulled the strings in order to close the waist of the corset.

"Perfect..." She whispered absent-mindedly, taking the frock from off the chaise and allowing Maelys to step into it. She pulled the dress up her frame, being careful as to not cause it damage. Elise attached a delicate silver chain around her waist, studded with tiny amethyst gems.

The princess sighed as she fiddled with her moonstone ring.

"Your hair, now. I will put a simple braid." Elise advised. Maelys sat down on the chaise with Elise behind her. The princess enjoyed the sensation of her hair being brushed and braided; Elise always had an expert hand. It was a modest style, only pulling back the top layers of hair, but effective to keep it out of her face.

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