Silence in the Library

Start from the beginning

"But there's nothing here." Donna frowned.

"And not a sound either." the Artist added, "A million million life forms, and yet it's dead silent here."

"But there's no one here." Donna said, "There's just books. I mean, it can't be the books, can it? I mean, books can't be alive!"

The trio all shared a look, then the Doctor cautiously reached out for a book on a shelf. He just about to touch it when a voice called out from behind; "Welcome."

The trio jumped and spun around, but there was no one there. "That came from in there." Donna pointed back to the reception area they'd landed in.

"Yeah." the Doctor nodded, and they went back to that area.

As they entered, the top part of a white statue spun around to reveal a black woman's face on it "I am courtesy node 710/aqua." it stated, "Please enjoy The Library and respect the personal aspect codes of all your fellow readers regardless of species or hygiene taboo."

"That face, it looks real." Donna stared.

"Don't worry about it." the Artist advised her.

"A statue with a real face, though?" Donna persisted, "It's a hologram or something, isn't it?"

"Donna, just leave it." the Artist warned, knowing the human would be very freaked out if she knew the truth.

"Additional: There follows a brief message from the head librarian." the node announced, "It has been edited for tone and content by the Felman Lux automated decency filter. Message follows. 'Run. For god's sake, run! No way is safe. The Library has sealed itself. We can't... oh. they're here! Arg! Slarg! Snick!' Message ends. Please switch off your mobile comm units for the comfort of other readers."

"So that's why we're here." the Doctor realised, "Any other messages, same date stamp?"

"One additional message. It carries a Felman Lux coherency warning of 5-0-11..."

"Yeah, yeah. Fine, fine, fine." the Doctor cut in, "Just play it."

"Message follows. 'Count the shadows. For god's sake remember, if you want to live, count the shadows.' Message ends."

"I think we'd better stay out of the shadows." the Artist murmured. She knew there were vicious lifeforms that could live in shadows. The Elemental Shade that had killed Elton Pope's mother came to mind.

"Why? What's in the shadows?" Donna asked. Neither Time Lord answered. They both just headed for another door. Donna followed and the trio found themselves in a room full of bookshelves. "So..." Donna began, "We weren't just in the neighbourhood?"

"Yeah, we sorta lied a bit." the Doctor admitted.

"We were summoned here." the Artist added, she and the Doctor taking out their psychic papers. Both had the message;

The Library.
Come as soon as you can.

"What d'ya make of that?" the Time Lady asked Donna, handing her the paper.

"Cry for help." Donna noted, "With a kiss."

"Oh, we've all done that." the Doctor shrugged.

"An' you're okay with that?" Donna asked the Artist.

"Well, whoever it is obviously likes both of us." the Artist shrugged. She wasn't a possessive person, just a bit insecure about herself. That was why she'd been upset when the Doctor had gloated about Madame de Pompadour kissing him.

"Who's it from?" Donna asked, handing her the paper back.

"No idea." the Artist shrugged.

"Me neither." the Doctor added.

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