
Elton stood on a suburban street, talking to a home video camera. "That's Ursula on camera."

"Hello!" a woman's voice said from off-camera, her hand waving in front of the camera.

"My good friend Ursula Blake, and my brand new camera." Elton continued, then pointed to one of the houses. That was my family home, down there. I did try, but these two women live there now, and they're a bit... severe. So... never mind. But that is where it all started. That's when I first met the Doctor and his girlfriend. When was it? Erm... I must've been 3 or 4-years old. Middle of the night, went downstairs, and there was this... man and woman." His mind wandered to that memory, of seeing the man in the the suit and the brunette woman standing in the living room of his house, solemn expressions on their faces.

"So what happened?" Ursula asked, pulling Elton out of his thoughts, "Elton, tell me. Why were they there?"

"I dunno." Elton murmured, "I.. I still don't know. All those years ago..." He took a beat, lost in thought, then gestured for Ursula to cut.

"Okay, first things first." Elton said in his vlog, "My name's Elton. Er... not to be confused with you-know-who. Me mother's favourite song was Daniel by Elton John, though why she never called me Daniel, I'll never know. Anyway, left school, got a job; transport manager, Retail Logistics, modest little haulage company, perfectly normal life, and then... it all went mad! Two years ago, I was in town. I was stocking up, nothing special, all the usual stuff, when all of a sudden..."


In March 2005, Elton walked through the Queen's Arcade shopping centre, shopping bags in his hands. Suddenly, the dummies in the shop he'd just passed came to life and smashed through the windows. These were Autons, under the control of the Nestene Consciousness. As Elton stopped in shock, all the other windows in the centre were shattered as more Autons came to life, creating chaos. Elton could only stare at them.

"Shop window dummies come to life!" Elton recalled.


The Autons marched through the streets, indiscriminately gunning down anyone they came across. It was utter chaos. Elton, fleeing the scene, nearly got ran over by a black cab that was trying to avoid the people running in the road.

"I survived... obviously." Elton said, gesturing to himself.,"12 months later, I'm back in town. I'm up west, looking for a new suit, something nice and smart, when I hear this plane overhead..."


In March 2006, Elton walked down a London street full of people just going about their day-to-day business. Suddenly, Elton's attention was caught by the sound of engines. He looked up just in time to see the Slitheen spaceship flying very low ahead. The ship sliced open the Westminster clock tower with it's starboard wing before nosediving into the Thames. Elton and the other pedestrians could only stare in shock and horror.

"But it wasn't over yet." Elton continued, "Cos' then... Christmas Day..."


On Christmas Day 2006, Elton was sleeping soundly in bed.

"I'm in bed, fast asleep, nice and cosy, quarter to eight in the morning, when of a sudden..."

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