"Rejoice in it!" Asquith encouraged, "Your body is magnificent." And they both undid the zips on their foreheads.


On the first floor, Margaret entered the room where Rose and Harriet had gone into. "Oh, such fun!" she gurgled playfully, "Little human children, where are you? Sweet little honeykins... come to me... let me kiss you better." Rose snuck out from behind the cabinet and hid behind the curtains. "Kiss you with my big green lips." Margaret finished.


Outside the room, the Doctor and the Artist were approaching when they heard the lift ding, so they hid either side of a door as Green and Asquith walked past, both shed of their skin-suits, revealing them as Slitheen. "It does us good to hunt." Green said, "Purifies the blood."

"We'll keep this floor quarantined as our last hunting ground before the final phase." Asquith replied.

They joined Margaret in the lounge. "My brothers." she greeted.

"Happy hunting?" Green asked.

"It's wonderful." Margaret replied, "The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear." Asquith observed.

"I can smell an old girl." Green sneered, "Stale perfume and brittle bones."

Behind the screen, an offended Harriet glared.

"And a ripe youngster." Margaret said, walking towards the curtains, "All hormones and adrenaline. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps." She pulled the curtains aside to reveal Rose, causing the blonde to screen in terror.

Harriet promptly jumped out of her hiding place. "No! Take me first! Take me!" she shouted.

Just then, the Doctor came crashing in with a fire extinguisher, the Artist right behind him. The Doctor promptly blasted the two male Slitheen with the extinguisher, stunning them while the Artist ran over to Rose, pulled the curtains off the rail and threw them over Margaret before she and Rose hurried back over to the Doctor, Harriet joining them.

"Who the hell are you?" the Doctor asked the MP.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." she replied.

"Nice to meet yer." the Doctor nodded.

"Likewise." she nodded back.

"Can we save the introductions till later?" the Artist urged, so the Doctor gave the Slitheen one last blast with the extinguisher, then the Time Lords and humans ran for it.

"We need to get to the Cabinet room." the Doctor advised as they ran through the corridors.

"The emergency protocols are in there." Harriet agreed, "They give instructions on aliens."

"Harriet Jones, I like you." the Artist commented.

"I like you too." she replied.

They reached the Cabinet room and the Doctor swiftly bypassed a locked door with his sonic and the quartet hurried in. Once they were all in, the Artist shut the door and used her sonic to lock it again, then they rushed to the other door, only to find the three Slitheen charging towards them. Thinking quickly, the Doctor grabbed a decanter of port off the sideboard and held his sonic to it. "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof! We all go up. So back off!" he warned. The Slitheen took the hint and halted their advance. "Right then, question time." the Doctor continued, "Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

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