"To be honest, no one really knows for sure." the Artist replied, "Our people were good with dimensions, that's why the TARDIS is bigger on the inside, she's got an entire dimension inside her. In theory, a TARDIS could be infinite."

"Right." Rose said slowly, processing this information. It seemed that the two Time Lords were full of surprises. "Um, Artist, can I ask ya something personal?"

"Depends on how personal it is."

"You and the Doctor, what's the real story between you two?"

"I told ya before, Rose, we just travel together. We're the last of our species, so we've gotta stick together."

"Just how together are ya both?" Rose pushed.

"We're just friends, Rose. That's it. Friends." the Artist insisted as they reached a pair of double doors. "Right, here we are." the Time Lady said, throwing the doors open, and Rose stepped through to find herself in what was pretty much a super deluxe Primark.


Half-an-hour later, the Doctor was under the flooring in the console room, repairing some bits of the TARDIS that had been damaged during the rough flight. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Rose enter the room, dressed in a red and black victorian gown and a black cloak, her hair done up in a neat bun, held up by a pink flower clip. "You look nice." the Doctor remarked, "Considering."

"Considering what?"

"That yer human." the Doctor said, finishing up his work.

"I think that's a compliment." an amused Rose shrugged.

"Where's Artist?" the Doctor asked, climbing out of the hole he'd been working in.

"She's just coming." Rose replied, "Took me ages to get her to wear the dress I picked out for her." Then, footsteps sounded from behind her. "Ah, here she is."

The Artist entered the console room. She was wearing a royal blue velvet and silk gown with off-white lace accents, white gloves and a cloak like the one Rose was wearing in an off-white colour, while her hair was pulled into a neat updo, held up by a brown butterfly-shaped clip. The Doctor stared at her, his mouth dropping open slightly. "Blimey!" was all he could say.

"I know, I know." the Artist mumbled, looking at the floor and fidgeting with her skirts, "I did tell Rose this was too much, but she insisted. I look ridiculous, don't I?"

"You look beautiful." the Doctor blurted out, causing the Artist to lift her head, her cheeks going bright red. The Doctor swiftly looked away, his own face blushing with embarrassment at his slip.

Rose watched this with amusement. "Just friends my arse!" she thought to herself. "Aren't you going to change?" she asked the Doctor, deciding to spare the two Time Lords from their embarrassment.

"I've changed me jumper." the Doctor shrugged, gesturing to the navy blue V-neck jumper he'd changed into while he'd been waiting, "Come on!" He began to move towards the doors.

"You two stay there!" Rose said, running to the doors, "You've done this before. This is mine!" She opened the door to see that the TARDIS had landed in a snow-covered alleyway. She made a footprint in the untouched snow then withdrew her foot again, before stepping out altogether and looked around in wonder.

The Doctor and the Artist stepped out behind her, their arms linked. "You ready for this?" the Artist asked Rose, who grinned and nodded.

"Here we go." the Doctor said, linking his other arm with Rose's, "History." And the trio walked off together.

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