
When they arrived at the restaurant and took their seats.

Y/N was able to calm down and peacefully order from the menu.

As they waited for their food, Arthur struck up a conversation.

"6 months huh..."

"With us knowing eachother for 5 years..." Y/N added.

"Do you mind reminding me how we met in highschool?" Arthur grinned.

"Oh god- Luna always had such crazy ideas. This was one of the only times she ended up being right"

"Catch her some slack, she introduced us to eachother. In the weirdest way possible... but still"

Arthur and Y/N laughed.

"She didn't have anybody else to introduce us to! We were the only ones in her 'asexual dating sim' as she called it"

"Yeah- Highschoolers aren't really known to be asexual, or even virgins-"

Arthur and Y/N laughed once again.

"Anyway, enough of highschool and It's drama. What are we going to do after dinner?" Y/N asked.

"Besides enjoy eachothers company? Not much"

"God- Why do you have to be so cute-" Y/N began to blush "

Arthur opened his mouth to but got cut off by the waitress, saying:
"Okay enough of you guys being cute, It's time to eat love birds"

"Oh thank you!" Arthur and Y/N synced.

"Oops- sorry-" Arthur and Y/N synced again.

They then just stared at eachother and laughed.

The waitress rolled their eyes and gave them their dishes.

"Zoomers these days.." The waitress said, annoyed. And walking away.

"Debbie! Don't be rude!" One of the other waitresses scolded Debbie.

"Bet you 10 bucks she's divorced" Y/N looked over at Arthur.

"I'll take that action"

"Hey! I am not divorced!" Debbie turned around to yell at the pair.

"Debbie, are you in denial?" The waitress who previously called out Debbie spoke once more.

Debbie frowned and stormed into the staff only lounge.

Y/N looked over at Arthur with a shit eating grin.
"Pay up"

Arthur sighed and chuckled but gave the 10 bucks to Y/N.

"Pleasure in doing business with you, good sir"

Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Oh HA HA, very funny" Arthur said sarcastically.

The pairs little comedy bit was interrupted by the nice waitress coming over to their table.

"Hi I'm so sorry you had to witness that. Debbie hasn't been herself recently and because of that we're giving you guys 10% off"

"Oh thank you very much" Arthur thanked.

"Yes thank you that's very kind of you" Y/N added.

The waitress just nodded and went away.


Once the pair finished eating their food and splitting their check.

They got out of the restaurant and noticed something or someONE slashed their tires.

"That's not good. But thankfully I have a buddy that can tow the car for free"
Arthur dialed his friends number.

After they hung up Arthur suggested to walk back home.
Y/N agreed.

And surprisingly, nothing dramatic happened.


When they arrived at Lunas and Y/Ns new place.

Y/N and Arthur gave eachother a goodbye kiss and Arthur went on his mary way.

Y/N took out their keys and went inside the house.

They flipped on the light and yelled out.
"Luna! I'm home!"

But then they noticed a note from Luna.

"Y/N, something came up.
I'll be back tommorrow

It was strange letter.
But then again Lunas new job required her to leave at different times in the day.
And this IS her writting.

Y/N thought about it for a second. Then shrugged.

Y/N yawned and went into the shower.

In the middle of it..

Y/N heard footsteps.

"Luna must be back home" Y/N thought to themselves as they dried themselves off.

Y/N put on their pjs and went into their bedroom.

Where they...
Without thinking.

Flipped on the light.

And they saw the worst thing imaginable.

Tanner was sitting on their bed.

Once they both noticed eachother, Y/N tried to run.

But Tanner grabbed their arm and stuck a syringe into their neck.

Making Y/N pass out in mere seconds.


When Y/N woke up, they were tied up.

Their memories from the first time they were kidnapped...
Flodded into their mind.

Y/N lifted their head up to examine the room but was met with Tanner.

"Hello Y/N. Long time no see" Tanner smiled.

"H-Hi Tanner"

"I see you've moved on.
Is he treating you well?" Tanner sat down at the opposite side of them.

"Yes.. He is." Y/N didn't know what to do anymore. Their cover was blown. They couldn't act their way out this.

"Is he treating you better than I treated you?"

Y/N didn't anwser.

And Tanner looked annoyed.

"Anwser me." Tanner demanded.

"He isn't." Y/N lied through their teeth.

Tanner then asked another question.

"Another question.., I want you to anwser... My sweet Y/N..."

Why did you lie? Did Luna poison your mind? Did they turn you against me?"

Y/N went silent...
Then nodded.

Y/N hated the fact they had to throw their boyfriend and family under the bus.

But they had no other choice.
This was survival.

Tanner then brought two people into the center.
They too were tied down to chairs but they had bags over their heads.

Tanner looked at Y/N and then at the other two people he kidnapped.

And he revealed who they were.

They were Arthur and Luna.
They looked hurt and betrayed.
Especially Arthur.

Y/Ns heart broke.

"Y/N. If you agree to be with me forever. I'll agree to let those two parasites go.
But if you don't...
They're dead."

Y/N thought for a second, then nodded.

Tanner then looked into Y/Ns eyes.
And shot Arthur and Luna.


"Too bad that I don't care if you agree or not." Tanner then smiled. Like the sadist he is.

Tanner then pointed the gun to Y/N.

And pulled the trigger.

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