eating more than candy (jikook)

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"mhm. wolf and sheep," jungkook hummed, hooking their elbows and connecting their sides. taehyung snorted at them both and waved. "i found hobi hyung. i'm gonna go scare him." he smiled devilishly and stalked away, pulling a mask over his face.

"who'd he come as?" jimin questioned, gaining his boyfriends attention. he turned to him, "ghostface. he said that he and hobi hyung watched Scream together and he got really scared. you know how things are," jungkook shrugged. the bell jingled.

"how about we find a drink? maybe a quiet room? i need to fix my eyeliner, plus, i'm sure we'll find much more fun things in there than in here," jimin offered, leaning close to jungkook's face. jungkook appeared swayed.


jimin was happy to be able to get jungkook so drunk off of just his words. jimin led the way through the mass of people, palm on the small of jungkook's back. he couldn't help but have it slide downward, liked to hear jungkook squeal and then turn to glare at him in feigned annoyance. jungkook didn't swat him away though, instead just placed his hand atop jimin's.

it was warm.

the kitchen was still as full as the rest of the house but with a few apologies and a couple people shoved away, jimin got he and his baby to the drink table. there was a fog machine beneath the table, but it was hidden by the long, tablecloth that was draped over the table. the fake fog instead rolled underneath it and maneuvered through and around their ankles.

jimin tugged jungkook closer and slid his hand around his body and up the bottom of his shirt. he didn't move at all, simply placed his palm on the sheep's lower stomach. "hyung," jungkook whined.

"hm? thirsty?" jimin pretended to be a oblivious and pressed a cup of cheap juice mixed with alcohol to jungkook's glossed lips. jungkook opened his mouth and drank, face reddening.

when the cup was nearly empty, jimin took it away and drank the rest of it with a smug grin on his lips. jungkook swiped at his mouth and shivered when jimin's fingernails gently scraped over his skin.

jimin licked his lips and reached for a second cup. he turned to jungkook, with a knowing smile and a curiously raised eyebrow.



they were practically attached to the ground beside the drinks table for a whole half an hour before jungkook had an "amazing" idea.

he was tipsy, and so was jimin.

"hy-hyung! listen! idea time!" he shouted over the music, wobbling a bit. he hiccuped. "what if we play hide an' seek? would that be fun? would it? i thinks so," he rambled, drunkenly searching jimin's eyes for anything negative. jimins eyes were unfocused until they landed on the boy next to him.

"hmm, let's think about that, little lamb," jimin cooed, busan accent coming strong as it did whenever he had an ounce of alcohol. jungkook's only came out when he was crying or angry.

jimin glanced around. everyone else was as drunk as they were, if not more. "we'll have to get home sometime, y'know, hm? how about we use this to get focused? how's that sound? play a little game before playing a better one?" his breath was hot, he knew, and jungkook gravitated closer, nodding fast in drunken anticipation. "i love games. i love playing games with you, hyung. 's so much fun. this 's gonna be so good," jimin listened to him ramble and giggle.

he kissed him softly and parted soon after. "we'll use this trinket here," he started, and reached a finger to flick the silver bell that clinked afterward. "you'll hide. i seek, since 'm the big bad wolf, 'kay? it'll be like a fun little fairy tale. little sheep stays away from the evil wolf or else he'll do somethin' bad," he slurred out, a tipsy giggle falling off his lips.

BOTTOM JUNGKOOK ONESHOTS - jungkook X btsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя