Chapter 4-Sore Babysitting!

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"Wahahaha! Very good! You kids REALLY got inspired! These micro games are sure to make Wario Ware Inc. LOOOTS of money!" Wario laughed, happy!

Wario was glad that his plan to have 9-Volt befriend Ashley so that both get game inspiration worked!

Of course, the kids became friends for real, and Ashley just rolled her eyes at Wario. "Whatever. Can we just leave now?"

Wario was busy counting the money entering from the new games, then blinked, "What, you two still here?! Your job is done! Shoo!"

"Heh...that's Wario for ya. Somethings never change!" sweatdropped 9-Volt!

As Ashley went back to her mansion, 9-Volt was stopped. "Wait up, 9-Volt!"

9-Volt then turned around, blinking. "Huh? Hey, hi, Mona! What's up?" he asked, cheering!

"Your mom told me to babysit you today, since she has to go somewhere important." Mona smiled. "Since I burned your pizza the other day, I decided it couldn't hurt to help."

"Great! You're real cool, Mona!" smiled 9-Volt!

"Okay, but first...c'mon, gimme." Mona said, her hands extended.

"Eh, ya mean I gotta pay? Don't tell me you're goin' Wario on me!" 9-Volt tried, having an idea of what she meant!

"Nice try, silly, but you know your mom grounded you from video games for a week after you were caught playing games at bedtime AGAIN. C'mon, now!" Mona said!

9-Volt groaned. "Fine...." he said, giving her a 3DS.

"Now now. All of them!" Mona said, knowing him well!

So, the groaning boy ended up giving her his Game Boy Advance, DS, and portable mode Switch as well!

"There, was it that hard? I'll take care of these until your mom arrives." Mona said, putting the games on her backpack "And since you've been a good boy, how about we eat a Mona Pizza?" she then asked, smiling!

9-Volt smiled! "Okay! I love Mona Pizza!" he cheered!

So, they ate pizza, and talked with each other. But though Mona was cool, 9-Volt still missed his video games a bit!

Eventually, however, Mona asked, "So, what do you wanna do now? We can't play video games, but we surely can find something you like to do?" she asked.

This gave 9-Volt an idea! Well, he'd feel a bit bad for tricking her, but it's for a good cause, he decided...

"Well, how about we play hide and seek?" 9-Volt asked.

Mona giggled. He might be smart, and love video games, but children are still children!

"Okay, then. But let's play inside the house. No hiding outside, okay?" Mona asked.

"Sure, Mona!" 9-Volt said! "But you search first!"

Mona smiled. "Okay, go hide then, I'll count. One, two, three..."

While Mona was counting, 9-Volt quietly snuck out to an arcade near her house! He knew there were new games there!

Just a quick play, and he could go back through a window before Mona even has time to find him! A perfect plan!

"9....10...ready or not, here I come!" Mona said!

Mona began looking all over the house, but couldn't find the Nintendo fanboy anywhere!

"Man....9-Volt is GOOD on this game! How could he hide so well?!" Mona wondered, sweatdropping!

A while of searching later, however, and she got to a certain conclusion....

"He...isn't here, is he." she said to no one in particular.

Mona then rubbed her chin. "I told him not to hide outside, but he might have forgotten, and...wait!"

Mona's eyes then narrowed! "Somehow I don't think he forgot...oh, that naughty boy!!!"

Mona had remembered there was an arcade near her house....

In said Arcade, 9-Volt smirked.

"Hah! New record! Here I come, final boss...!" the boy declared, but he'd soon have a surprise...

"W-woah! What the?!" 9-Volt wondered, as his helmet was taken away! "Hey, that's my-OWWWW!" he yelped, feeling his ear being grabbed!

He turned around and saw Mona! And man...was she MAD!

"E-ehh...hi, Mona...?" 9-Volt nervously said!

"Don't you "hi" me, young man! What are you doing HERE?!" Mona scolded!

"E-ehh...hiding...? You forgot to say....peek-a-boo...?" 9-Volt nervously tried!

"....Nice try. But, if we must...peek-a-boo, I spank you." Mona sternly said, dragging him by the ear outside of the arcade!

"Owwie, oww, ouch, I vote on non spanks!" 9-Volt whined, as he was dragged!

Soon, they arrived on Mona's home.

"C-can't we talk about the whole "spanking" business?" 9-Volt asked.

"Well, my hand will talk a lot about it, rest assured." Mona noted!

"I meant talking with out mouths!" 9-Volt whined!

"Well, clearly this won't be enough this time." Mona noted, sternly.

"Really, let's try! We're friends, right?" 9-Volt nervously tried.

"Yep, we are! And that's why I was so upset when you tricked me!" Mona scolded!

9-Volt gasped! "W-well, that's..."

"That's very naughty! And why did you do it?" Mona asked.

"W-well...I kinda...there was this new game on the arcade, and..." groaned 9-Volt.

"So you thought it was okay to play just a bit and then come back, right?" Mona asked.

"Woah, you're good! How did you-" 9-Volt began.

But Mona gave him a stern look at that!

".....Or...maybe you didn't exactly think this was a good thing to do...?" the boy gulped, as Mona put his helmet on the table.

"Well, tell me, 9-Volt. Was it a good thing to do?" Mona asked!

"Huh...well...I mean..." 9-Volt nervusly mumbled.

"9-VOLT!!!" yelled Mona!

"EEP! Y-yeah, Mona?!" he nervously asked!

"Anwser me. Was. It. A. Good. Thing. To. Do?" Mona sternly asked, turning to him!

"M....maybe not..." mumbled 9-Volt.

"No, it wasn't, your naughty boy...." Mona said!

"But...but I promise I won't do it again, so..." 9-Volt began.

"It's too late for this now, 9-Volt. You should know better..." Mona said, taking him to a chair, and turning him over her knee.

"G-gah! Mona, please, give me another chance!" 9-Volt pleaded, as his bottom was bared.

But then, showing no other chance was coming, the first spank landed, with the words that show it's too late to ask for forgiveness, as Mona replied, "Naughty boys get spanked!"

"Owwwie! Awww, miss 5-Volt!" Mona whined!

"Naughty girls get spanked!!" 5-Volt scolded, as she kept spanking.

"OWWWWIE!" whined 9-Volt! "Mona, please, don't-OWWW! Spank meeee!"

"I will spank you, 9-Volt. And you won't be sitting for quite a while by the time I'm done..." Mona scolded as she kept spanking.

The yelping boy was just so surprised! He never expected the friendly Mona to be able to spank this hard!

But Mona didn't let up. Her little friend had a lesson to learn, and he'd learn it through his naughty bum bum!

"Owwie...but I didn't mean to lose...owwie...this much time playing, Mona, promise..." yelped 9-Volt.

"Wasting time playing is far from the problem here, 9-Volt!" Mona scolded, alternating cheeks, "First, you disobeyed your mother! You KNOW you are grounded from games! Second, you tricked your friend, me! And finnaly, if I didn't know about the arcade, I wouldn't know where you went! I was so worried!"

9-Volt groaned! Mona...Mona was so sad! He could feel the sadness in her voice! He tricked AND worried her at once...his friend! Man, did he felt bad...and sore...but mostly bad!

"Sniff...Mo...Mona...?" sobbed 9-Volt, trying to get her attention.

"Hmm? Yes, 9-Volt, do you waant to say something?" Mona asked, spanking all over the butt.

"Sob....y-yeah...I...sniff! Am so sorry, not just for disobeying mom, but, sniff, for making one of my friends very sad...I was naughty, and I earned this..."

Mona smiled. 9-Volt is learning, it seems! "Good! And what will happen if you do all these things again?"

"WAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! A big spanking on my bum bum! It'll...SOB! Match your....owww! HAAAAAAAIIIIRRRR!!!!" 9-Volt bawled!

"Yes, I think you learned your lesson." Mona decided, as she helped him up.

9-Volt still cried as Mona took him to his time out chair. She knew about it since 5-Volt sent the instructions before asking Mona to babysit him. "Well, 9-Volt, do follow your mom's rules this time." she said.

"Y-yeah...I'll get to time out till you think I learned, I promise..." the boy said, wincing as he sat on the chair.

9-Volt cried on the soreness, specially at sitting his sore bottom on the chair. But he had to sit for quite a while...

Ten minutes later, Mona then called him.

After covering his bottom, 9-Volt soon felt Mona embrace him!

"Shh...there, there...all are a good boy again, 9-Volt..." Mona reassured him.

He finnaly smiled, but sniffled a bit. "T-thanks for forgiving me, Mona. I promise I won't make you so sad again."

"I believe you." she said, giving 9-Volt his helmet back.

Once the fanboy put it back, Mona smiled and added, "So, since you learned your lesson, I think you can have one of my famous gelatos, if you want!"

This made the boy cheer! "You betcha I want, Mona! Your gelatos are AWESOME!"

Mona giggled! "I knew you'd like the idea!" she said, smiling, as she went to get one for him!

The two enjoyed their gelatos, all forgiven and in the past then!

But, where was that important place 5-Volt had to go?

Well, for this, we return to a familiar arcade....

"Yes! High score!" 5-Volt smirked!

She then turned to YOU, the reader, and blushed!

"A-ahem! What can I say? I just can't resist these arcade games every once in a while!" 5-Volt said!

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