Chapter 1-Unexpected Friendship

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9-Volt, the Nintendo fanboy, was having a surprising talk with Wario. 

Well, surprising for him... "You wanna me to what?!" he gasped.

"How many times you wanna me to repeat myself, kiddo? Go to Ashley's mansion, and do things friends would do!" Wario said.

"W-why so sudden?" 9-Volt asked, being taken by surprise. "I mean, I'd like to be friends with her, even though she's a bit scary...but why are YOU so interested on it?"

"Cause I spied on Nintendo and know that this Miyamoto guy who make games out of Mario has friends that help him! They all get inspiration from real life or some stuff, but anyway the point is this brings money! And as the boss here I want money, so you kids need to get inspired too! I'd send the ninja girls too, but they are busy rescuing a prince or some stuff like that..." Wario said.

9-Volt rolled his eyes, "...Yep, that's just like you alright."

"Less talking, more money! Get going already!" Wario huffed.

On Ashley's mansion.....

After narrating everything we saw above, Ashley said, "And that's why you want to be my friend, right?" She was no fool, and easly figured out everything!

"N-no! I admit Wario has second intentions, but I really wanna be your friend too. You need a friend, after all..." 9-Volt said.

"Oh, really...?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrown.

"Yeah, I promise!" 9-Volt said.

Ashley nodded. "So...what do friends do?"

9-Volt blinked. "You don't know? Well, they do things together....."

"Huh. I see....I guess you can help me then." Ashley said.

9-Volt smiled, "Okay, I will.  What you wanna me to do?"

"Get the things on this list. And you better not mess this up, okay?" Ashley said.

9-Volt nodded, and blinked at the ingredients, "You have all those things?"

"Well, I *am* a witch, after all. Now c'mon, my potion won't make itself without ingredients."

9-Volt nodded, "Okay, Ashley."

She turned back to the caudron, as he went to look for what she asked.

There was lots of things to look for, so many that 9-Volt forgot one small detail....

When showing him the list, Ashley told him, "Remember, I need the exact quantity listed here. No more, no less, or it'll ruin the potion!"

So, he went on to get the ingredients.

Forgetting the warnings, however, he took much more than he had to!

And soon, he went to Ashley.

"Here we are!" he said, giving her a bag with the ingredients.

"Well, you took longer than I thought you would...thanks, anyway." Ashley said, taking the bag.

She'd have an explosive surprise!

Since 9-Volt got too many ingredients....

The result was a volatile reaction, with.....


....Explosive results!!

9-Volt sweatdropped at this!  "Ashley, you okay...?"

"The completly RUINED...." Ashley said, annoyed.

"E-eh, what did go wrong?" 9-Volt asked.

"YOU went wrong, that's what!" Ashley said.

"W-what do you mean?" 9-Volt asked.

"You gave me way too many ingredients, causing an explosion. I warned you the quantity had to be exact!"

9-Volt groaned at that!

"Well...? Nothing to say in your defense...?" she asked.

9-Volt's eyes widened under his visor.

"C-c'mon, Ashley. I didn't know exactly how many ingredients you wanted! You showed me the list too fast, I couldn't memorize!"

He hoped this was enough to get his new friend to forgive him!

But Ashley looked furious still!

"I-Isn't this a good reason?" 9-Volt asked.

"No, it isn't. Why haven't you just read the list?" Ashley asked.

"B-but I just said you showed too fast and-"

"And haven't you thought in asking me to lend you the list?" Ashley asked!

9-Volt gasped! "I...I" he began.

"You forgot to ask me to lend you the list you had to read?" Ashley asked!

"Y-yes..but it wasn't on purpose, Ashley! I promise!" 9-Volt said.

Ashley sighed, "9-Volt, could you take off your helmet for a second? You can put it on later."

"W-why?" he asked, curious, but obeyed....

Then yelped as he had his ear grabbed! "Owwww, leggo! What are you doing, Ashley?!"

"....Silence. You'll be able to explain yourself once we arrive." Ashley said, dragging him to a chair.

Once she arrived on the chair, she let go of his ear, and gave 9-Volt his helmet back as she promised. "Tell me. How could you forget something so important that could ruin what we were trying to do?"

9-Volt rubbed his ear, "Oww, that was harsh...." he winced, before putting his helmet back.

"You want harsh? I could turn you into a spoon, now THAT would be harsh. Since we became friends I'm going easy on you. Now stop whining and anwser me." Ashley scolded!

9-Volt gulped at her warning, "W-well, I wanted to help you like you asked me. Friends help each other, right? But I was so eager to help that I didn't think I would need to hold the list, and tried to memorise what you told me...."

"Indeed? And how do you suppose I should feel about this?" Ashley asked, with a soft sigh.

"E-eh....happy that a friend tried to help you, and understanding about that small mistake...?" 9-Volt tried, with a nervous smile.

"....Nice try, 9-Volt." Ashley said in annoyance.

"Aww, please, Ashley, give me another chance, I can help you make another potion!" 9-Volt promised.

"You can and will. But after we are done, not before." Ashley said.

"D-done with what?" 9-Volt asked.

"With your punishment, of course." Ashley humphed!

"P-punishment? What punishment are we talking about here?" he nervously asked.

"You really don't know...? Well, it's something kids usually get when naughty....a good spanking!" Ashley scolded, turning him over her lap!

"A-a s-sp- Ashley, c'mon, we look almost the same age!" 9-Volt whined, as his butt was bared, and the first spank fell! 

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