Chapter Twenty-Five

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"The same goes for you. You know that, right?"

Bakugo nods.

He knows that he can, he just feels really fucking shitty even thinking about it, so he wants to avoid talking about it. Because if he talks about it, he'll remember it.

Remembering is not always a good thing for him.

So they continue their little date. Todoroki completely mesmerized when he sees a crunchy looking leaf on the ground.

It is nice out. The air is cold, but there's no wind and when the clouds pass, letting the sun through to warm them up, he can see Todoroki's eyes perfectly.

They're so pretty and they make Bakugo want to poke them.

He knows that'll hurt, so he doesn't, but you can't blame him.

"So when the new movie came out, I begged to watch it. I loved the first one. Obviously I was going to want to watch the second. Of course, he didn't allow that so I didn't get to watch it until years after. Talking about him makes me angry. We should watch cat videos," Todoroki rants.

He talks slowly and thoughtfully.

It's like he's analyzing exactly what he's going to say when he's telling a story.

Todoroki also doesn't express many emotions. At least, not the way a usual teenager would.

He doesn't scowl heavily when he's mad or smile with his teeth when he's happy.

His eyes just get harder if he's mad and when he's happy, his lips will just barely quirk up or his eyes will brighten up.

It's so cute, really.

"Whatever you want, Halfie," Bakugo says, trying his hardest to stay casual.

Todoroki, as they continue walking hand-in-hand, squeezes his hand and gives him a side glance, eyes doing that thing they do when he's happy.

Todoroki's going to fucking kill him.


"But how does that work?"

Bakugo has been trying to teach Todoroki what jinx means since they passed Kaminari and Jirou on the way back to their room. They'd said jinx at the same time and then again and Todoroki held his questions in until he was here alone with Bakugo.

"Basically when you say something at the same time with someone, you have to do this bullshit thing where you say jinx. The first person to say it, pretty much wins and the other person has to stay quiet until some fucking extra says their name. It's really fucking dumb."

"I wanna do that. Can I do that?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo looks at him, dumbfounded, but still replies, "Yes you can."

The idiot just smiles and nods in acknowledgement.

"Now?" He asks.

Bakugo has to stop himself from screaming from how cute his boyfriend is.

"We have to same something at the same time, dork," he explains.

Todoroki just sighs heavily and dramatically, pouting at the blond in hopes of getting his way.

"Halfie, I just explained how it works. Rules are rules."

"Fine. Can I get a kiss, then?"

Bakugo can't help it when his eyes immediately travel to Todoroki's lips. He catches himself and makes eye contact with the other teen who's already leaning in.

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