Chapter Twenty-Five

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He practically passed out when he was finally back at the dorms with Todoroki in his room.

Recovery Girl gave him his medication, and as soon as he was in his dorm with his boyfriend sitting on the bed, using his phone, he was out like a light.

Sure it was only two hours, but that's two more than he had before.

When he woke up, Todoroki was still in his room. He was laying down on his side while he used his phone now, but he stayed.

"Hey sleepy head," Todoroki smiles when he sees Bakugo's eyes are open.

He'd been on his phone, but he looked away from it for one second to look at Bakugo and saw he was awake, so he sits up, caressing Bakugo's face.

"Hi," Bakugo greets back.

"How are you doing?" He asks, voice quiet.

"Better now. Felt like fucking shit earlier. They just watched me fucking sleep. Annoying as hell. They didn't need to do that to give me fucking sleeping pills. Stupid bastards," he huffs angrily as he pulls Todoroki in for a hug.

He sounds angry but he's so cuddly and Todoroki loves it.

Not the angry part.

The cuddly part.

"You did it, though. It's over and now you'll be able to get what you need, right?"

Bakugo nods angrily.

"Wanna do something?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo looks up, wondering what this idiot would wanna do.

"I'm not kissing you again."

Todoroki frowns. "Why not?"

Bakugo can't help but smile. "Idiot."

"That's not what I meant, though. I wanted to know if you want to go on a walk. It's nice out right now. Cool air and the sun is out so you won't be too cold."

Bakugo thinks about it, deciding to mess with the idiot.

"Sorry, I have something planned with my boyfriend already. He'd be mad if he saw you trying to make a move. Wouldn't want that, would you IcyHot?"

Todoroki frowns, not really understanding.

"What? I thought I was your boy- ohhh," he realizes, face lifting back up into a small smile, "I'm sure he'd be jealous if someone swept you up while he was away."

Bakugo smiles and rolls his eyes, shoving the idiot away a bit. "Come on then. Let's go," Bakugo says, getting up to put on his shoes.

He's got on some sweat pants and a hoodie so he shouldn't be too cold.

"Okay. Let's go."

They talk about whatever they haven't talked about.

Bakugo about his childhood and Todoroki about his new life with his mom and siblings.

He doesn't really get into the trauma stuff too much. Sure he'll say something here and there, but he doesn't usually bring it up and Bakugo doesn't blame him at all. Doesn't mention how Todoroki will pause before saying something about his childhood to make it less extreme.

"During things like this. Like small dates or even just anytime, if we're talking and you talk about your trauma, don't try to shove it to the side. I care about it, okay?" Bakugo asks, making sure that Todoroki is aware that he's free to talk about his own experiences as a child.

Todoroki looks over at him, brushing their hands together before Bakugo opens his hand to offer it to Todoroki. The idiot immediately takes it and intertwines their fingers.

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