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He pauses for a good five seconds, like he had been broken.

I giggle as his stunned gaze meets mine and I take the opportunity to pry the book from his hands (though it didn't take much effort) and place it away from us.

"U-Um, I'll be right back!" He squeaks, a furious blush heating his face. He runs out of the room.
I really messed up.


Honestly, you could probably hear the party from streets away, but I didn't care as I sat only a few metres away from the house, in my garage.

All I could focus on was the new edition of Girls & Pearls, a magazine full of bikini-wearing women at the beach.

"Finally," I mutter to myself, "Some good ol' quiet time."

I flip open the first page-


Surprised, I look up to see a pink-faced Sheldon. Huh, that wasn't a common occurrence.

"Yeah?" I ask. Seriously, what could he possibly need from me? The kid is in college, for crying out loud.

"There- She- Y/N- Did-" I hold up my hand. "Dude, slow down. Why are you so frantic?"

He takes a breath and tries again.
"So, you know how Missy and Y/N went to Billy's party? Billy dropped her off, and she's- uh, drunk."

I raise an eyebrow. Not surprising. When I was their age, I would sneak a bottle of beer from Dad now and then.


"And she k-kissed me on the cheek!" He exclaims.

I perk up. "And you ran to me?"
He sighs and folds his arms. "Well, I don't know what else to do!"

I face palm. "Sheldon, it's only on the darn cheek. Here, I'll give you some advice." I sit up, and motion him to come closer. He hesitantly does.

"You go back wherever you were, okay?" He nods, following along. I continue.

"You gotta hold her, too, she'll need the support." I grin. "Um... okay..."

"And, next, you're gonna make out with her."

I can barely contain my snorts; he just looks so baffled.

"You're not helping!" He turns and leaves, quite grumpily.

Back to my Girls & Pearls, then.


With whatever it is affecting me, time passes quite quickly. Eventually, the boy, ugh, I still can't remember his name, comes back.

"Hi!" I beam at him. He kneels, a bit in front of me before asking me a question.

"Why'd you do that earlier?"

I really do not like this. His expression is blank, his eyes are cold, and his tone is even more uninviting.

I feel myself shrink under his gaze. "I was- hic- trying to get your attention... I'm really- hic- sorry..."

He tilts his head and I realize I may have read him wrong.

"Impatient." He teases, a small smile on his lips. I roll my eyes, "You were so- hic- absorbed in the book, and I was really bored."


"Or maybe I just wanted to kiss you..." I mumble.


I blush and look back up at him. "What?"

He shakes his head. "You're drunk..."
No. No, why doesn't he believe me?

"I wasn't drunk yesterday, or a week ago." Sober me is going to be so pissed at me.

"I have a crush on you, isn't it obvious?" I exclaim.

He doesn't respond, until he just repeats himself again. "No, you don't. You're drunk."

I huff. "No, listen to me!"

He squints suspiciously. "If you do, then didn't you tell me already?"

"Because you make me nervous! I can't talk when I'm around you! I can't think or see anyone other than you! I can't feel anything other than my fear of rejection..."


"It's so stupid! I'm getting in trouble at school for doodling hearts all over the corners of every single book we read in class, because guess what, I'm not focusing on what the teachers are reading out loud, I'm thinking about you!"

"(Y/N)." He gently takes my hands, intertwining our fingers. I barely notice.

"And now you're sitting here, telling me I'm drunk, which, yeah, I am, but this is the only time I'll ever have the courage to tell you. Unless Missy's already told you... She better not have! Has she? Because if she- Mmphhh-"

I was shut up quickly by the feel of his lips against mine.
While mine were slightly chapped and numb, his were perfect, warm- and even softer than I imagined.

I frown when he pulls away so soon, but I can't keep being grumpy, for I feel extremely giddy instead.

But it's beginning to get harder to keep my eyes open...
No, no, no, not now! Why must I fall asleep now?

I need... I need to... stay... awake...


[Young] Sheldon Cooper x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now