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School was currently going well. I shared most of my classes with Missy, which led to not a lot of work and quite a lot of chatter.

Our last period, our teacher let us out  early, so we decided to sit on a bench outside and talk for five minutes before Mrs. Cooper came to pick us up.

"Hey Missy, and Missy's friend." I look up to see a large, chubby-faced boy. He held a childish smile.
"Oh, hey Billy." Missy said before turning to me.

"This is Billy. My- or, our nextdoor neighbor.

I let out an 'ohhh' and grin at him. "You're the kid with the chickens."

Billy beams. "Yeah."
We sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds before he speaks up, like he had suddenly remembered why he was talking to us.

"There's gonna be a party at my house today, you guys coming?"

I don't know what party he's talking about, but it seems like Missy does. "O-em-gee! That party is happening at your house? What about your Mom?"
He shrugs. "She's the main reason it's happening. She thinks I have no friends, and that this will help."

Missy gives him a pitiful look, but I can tell she's buzzing at the thought of a party. "Well we'll definitely be there."
"Cool." I see the car pull up, and as we wave him goodbye and walk towards it I speak up. "A party? I don't know, Missy..."

She stares at me. "Have you ever been to one?"
"Er, no."
"Then why not go? Trust me, the parties here are the best."

I sigh and slip into the backseat of the car.

After saying our normal greetings, Missy pops the question. "Mom, Billy's having friends over his house tonight, can me and Y/N please go?"

Mrs. Cooper hesitates before responding. "So a party?" Missy opens her mouth to try and convince her, but Mrs. Cooper beats her to it.

"You know what, I trust you two girls. You can go." Missy excitedly side-hugs her. "Thank you, thank you!"


"What are you two doing?" Sheldon asks as he stands at the entrance of Missy's open-doored room. Missy turns to him, "What does it look like we're doing?"

He ponders, eyes scanning over our outfits. "I don't know, but you look like Meemaw when she goes out clubbing."

"Yeah, cause we're going to a party." She turns back to examining herself in the mirror.

"At Billy's. And you can't come." He scoffs. "I wasn't going to. Does Mom know about this?"

Missy groans and walks over to him. "Yes, she does! Now, shoo!" She pushes him out and closes her door.

"I don't know why you like him." She whispers to me after the shadow of his figure disappears.

I finish applying my lipgloss before replying in monotone. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She rolls her eyes at me. "Still trying to pretend you don't like him so you don't have to accept that you do?

I face away from her, screwing the cap back on the tube, falling silent.


"Bye Mom!" Mrs. Cooper hugs us both. "Have fun, you girls. Me and your father are going to be out, are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes." Missy calls back to her, but we're halfway down the driveway already.

She knocks on Billy's front door, and he answers. "Oh, hey guys."

[Young] Sheldon Cooper x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now