Open and shut case - Part 19 - Joker x Reader

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"Arthur...............?" (Y/n) asked again, as the line fell quiet.

"Its really your number................"


"You gave me your real phone number..............."

"Of course, I gave you my real number, Arthur. Why wouldn't I? I'm your lawyer. You need to be able to talk to me. I am not in the habit of giving my clients fake numbers. Admittedly, I am not in the habit of giving them my home number. But you are the exception................." (Y/n) replied. Her brows furrowing as once again the line fell silent, all but for some gentle breathing coming through the receiver.

"Arthur.........what's going..................?"

"You're still my lawyer then.................?"

"What? Yes, of course I'm still your lawyer. Why wouldn't I be..............?" (Y/n) enquired. The furrow in her brow getting even deeper.

"You went to the apartment.................?"

"Yes. I told you. I've only just got back actually. I left the investigator there to do what he needs to do....................."

"And you still want to be my lawyer..............?" Joker interrupted. The killer clown doing his best to control his pounding heart. Sure, that any moment it would beat so fast that he just drop dead where he was.

"Arthur............what's gotten into you? I told you that I am still your lawyer. Why would you think I wouldn't be..................? Have those idiot guards been getting at you again? I swear that I am going to make a formal complaint to the board...................."

"No, no............ its saw my life. Arthur's life. You saw the spot where Randal died. I thought that...............I thought that you might think differently about me now. That you might think that I don't deserve you help. That I'm just a killer.................."

(Y/n) sat there for a moment. She had to admit that she was a little taken aback by the conversation. By how nervous and desperate Arthur seemed to sound. The lawyer finding herself smiling a little at how vulnerable and sweet his voice was. Sure, that this was really Arthur talking and not the more confident Joker. Yet she was also a little confused as to why he would think that a quick trip to his old apartment, would change her mind about him. And then it came to her.........he was embarrassed. Ashamed of that old life. Perhaps even a little guilty for his actions there. For the large brown blood stain that was still on the wall. (Y/n) finding herself shaking her head at how little Arthur thought of himself. Of the life that he had had to lead through no fault of his own.

"Arthur.............there is no escaping the fact that you are a killer. We all know that. Heck, you admitted to it on TV and even shot one of your victims in front of an entire viewing and live audience. I went into this knowing exactly what you were. But, despite what you might have gotten into that pretty little head of yours, seeing that old apartment has not made me want to turn my back on you. In fact its made me more determined to help you as much as I can. Look..........I'm going to come and see you tomorrow. There are some things we need to discuss. Something that I think might be able to be used in your case. But until then, I want you to know that I am not going to abandon you. You deserve the best defence that I can give you. And that is exactly what you are going to get. What you did, is only one aspect of who you are. And being in that apartment. Imaging you walking through those rooms, allowed me to see that there is so much more to the man that I have met. So, I need you to stop worrying about things like this. We have a really long six months ahead of us, and I need you to be strong. Everything is going to be stressful enough. Its going to be draining and we are both gonna have to be at our best. Now, I have a few things to do, but we will talk more tomorrow. And if you still feel uneasy about this, we can discuss it a little more then............Okay?" (Y/n) explained. Chuckling to herself as she was sure that her client was nodding on the other end of the call.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow." She added. Joker slowly placing the receiver down, as the monotonous dialling tone came down the line, indicating that (Y/n) had hung up. The clown feeling a broad smile spread across his face. She wasn't going to leave him. She wasn't going to try and palm his case off on someone else. His fears had been ungrounded. The reverse of everything that he feared, was actually the case. And she was coming to see him tomorrow. Joker starting to dance as music filled his head. A happy laugh leaving his lips, as he more or less skipped back to his room.


(Y/n) chuckled to himself, as she moved back over to the sofa and took a seat. Her hand reaching into the shoe box, that had been wrapped in old wallpaper. Taking out one of the pictures and looking down at it. The image of the little Arthur, with two missing front teeth, smiling back at her.

"I swear that you are the cutest little thing that I have ever seen. But the older version of you is gonna be the death of me." The lawyer laughed before placing the photo back with the others. Slowly getting to her feet and moving over to the window. Shaking her head at the thought of how much her life had changed since she had taken this case. Not so long ago, she was thinking that life was passing her by. That everyone else around her was living, while she was just existing. That she was being punished by one god or another for some indiscretion, some crime that she didn't know that she had committed. But now, here she was. Life had hit her with full force. And it was chaos. But she had to admit that she liked it. She thrived on this kind of thing. And meeting Arthur, even though he had done what he had done, was proving to be the icing on the cake. (Y/n) moving away from the window as lightening flashed outside, and heavy rain pounded the glass. She would take this time to go over a few more things. To look through all the notes one more time. Watch the Murray Franklin interview once again. The lawyer sure that there were still things that she was missing. Subtle little movements or even words that she hadn't picked up on yet. Things that would be of use to her and her client. (Y/n) grabbing the tape and slotting it into the machine. Leaning back in her chair and waiting for Joker to make his appearance. 

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