The Indecent Drenthaxian Proposal

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‘Venuvia. My homeworld. Over seventeen moons and over forty thousand inhabitants. The Venuvians are described to be the most attractive beings in the universe. Eternal cosmic beauty aside, we are a kind and peaceful race, unlike our boorish warmongering neighbors from the Drenthaxian Nebula. No one has seen the true form of a Drenthaxian, but they are elusive as well as violent. There is also the now active and nearly overpopulated planet of Lustonia. And the equally peaceful and relaxing Zenthion VI. My parents are King Zetralon and Queen Vierra of Venuvia. They are the benevolent rulers of the seventeenth moon of our planet. It wasn’t long after I was born when an evil warlord had infiltrated the palace. My name is Araelyn, I am the descendant of Zhalla and the Princess of Venuvia, and this is our story.

It all started a few weeks after I was born. The King and Queen had watched over me as I slept peacefully. The skies had gone from bright and warm to cold and dim within almost an instant. A dark thick mist rolls over the castle and a mysterious cloaked figure appears out of the mist and into the throne room. A large gust of wind blows his long cape to the side.’ 

“King Zetralon, Queen Vierra. I am Lord Vulkryon, ruler of the Drenthaxian Nebula.  Congratulations on the birth of your precious daughter.”

‘The man who had addressed himself as Vulkryon had used his telekinetic powers to snatch me from the bassinet, still asleep, I was floating halfway across the throne room and into his arms.’


‘Queen Vierra sprints toward him, attempting to reach me, only to be zapped by Vulkryon’s energy blast.’

“Araelyn.. Such a lovely name for a gorgeous princess-to-be. Oh, she has your eyes, Vierra.”

‘Queen Vierra charges at Vulkryon, only for King Zetralon to step in front of Vierra, pulling her back with his arm.’

“What do you want from us, you vile creature?”

“Simple. I have come for your future blessing to marry your daughter once she reaches the proper age. And knowing of the genetics of Venuvians, your Araelyn will grow up to be the most beautiful woman in all of the galaxy.”

‘King Zetralon gently shoves his wife behind him as he approaches Lord Vulkryon, who covers me with part of his cape while holding me close to his chest.’

“I don’t know who you think you are, but you will never have this kingdom. Now, surrender the child, or I’ll..”

‘Vulkryon holds me further away from my parents and uses his powers to force the King’s mouth closed. Zetralon takes his hands trying to pry his mouth open only to stumble and fall backwards.’

“Now, now, your Highness. You wouldn’t want to wake her up, would you? With her Venuvian genetics and my power, we will rule over the entire galaxy.”

“You will have to take our kingdom and our daughter from our cold decaying bodies.” Queen Vierra declared

“I will return once she reaches the consenting age, then I will again ask for your lovely daughter’s hand. Yes, she will make a stunning Drenthaxian Queen.” Vulkryon declares, looking down at me while I sleep, floating me back into the bassinet. 

“If you take our daughter, then Zhalla as my witness, we will have the Venuvian Guards hunt you down and WE WILL MAKE YOU PAY DEARLY!”

‘Vulkryon lets out a snide chuckle as he approaches her, looking down into the bassinet for another second before turning his glance to the Queen.’

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