CHAPTER 1-Freelancer!

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The whistling of wind and sounds of swaying clothing fills an empty void of silence. Floating in the middle of the sky is (Y/n) with his arms crossed and eyes closed. His clothes were swaying in the wind that was flowing around him. The cold sensation of the wind covers him like a blanket. The faint whistling of the wind around him gives a sense of serenity.

On the side of his head was a Scouter. He's had the device ever since he was little. He's used it and upgraded it so that it may serve better purposes for his time here on the planet. Even though he was raised in this world, he knows what he is but not where he came from. All he remembers is waking up in a Saiyan Pod that was breaking through earth's atmosphere with the Scouter he's using and a pair of Saiyan Armor. Armor that he doesn't wear.

He'd stick out like sore thumb if he did. Even though he was curious to know more about what the Saiyan's were. He couldn't find out more than that's what he is. The Pod had a small audio recording, but it was staticky so he could barely make it out. It was cut off as his pod had crashed landed onto Earth. All he learned from it is that he was a Saiyan. He was 4 at the time.

How he got his surname of (L/n) was from a Human family who took him in. The humans who raised him came up with the surname of (L/n), something about "Protecting him" and what not. He didn't care to be honest. He hasn't seen them in 5 years. He did wonder why he didn't just adopt his caretakers' surname. Something about the family not adopting him fully.

The humans who raised him never legally adopted him. That, and (Y/n) would refuse any other Earth names given. But (L/n). He liked it. He also didn't want to be associated with the humans he just met. He was with the family for years so he did warm up to them a little bit. He's a bit more open around the family and it gives him a sense of humanity.

Now, he remembers that he was 13 when he left to become the well-known Assassin known as, Freelancer.

He was currently doing a Job for an anonymous client. Not that he minds, they're paying him a fuck tone of cash. 5.7 Million dollars to just kill one person. That's a steal in his eyes, and an easy ass job for some hard cash. Although, he traditionally went for jobs under 100,000 since he is always on the move. He's never bothered to buy a house or stuff like that. He's a Nomad and nothing has stopped him so far.

Although, he can't waver a hint of suspicion on the client. It was anonymous but he recognized the voice of the person. Although he isn't too sure. He hasn't really been around people he's known in years. He needs to see their face or have talked to them on a regular basis to remember them. That or hear something familiar that only that person would know.

Regardless, he has a job to do. He hears beeping coming from his Scouter, so he opens his eyes and unfolds his arms from over his chest, bringing his left hand up to the side of his Scouter. He tracks something and looks in its direction. On the small screen of the Scouter, it shows a 3D image of a Private Jet.

(Y/n): "right on time." He said with a neutral tone.

He moved his left hand from the Scouter and aimed his hand in the jet's direction. He then charged up a Ki Blast in his hand. He fires the Ki Blast and in no short amount of time, the blast collides with the jet causing it to explode into a flaming wreckage. What's left of the broken jet falls to the ground. (Y/n) continued to watch it plummet to the ground below. Once he sees it hit the ground, he looks away before blasting off, leaving the area very quickly.

Just a few minutes later, (Y/n)'s Scouter goes off. His eyes shift to the screen. He's being called. He pushes a button on the side of his Scouter while flying. The caller is anonymous. His client.

Client: "Is it done?" they asks.

(Y/n): "Target has been neutralized. Private Jet he was using has been scuttled and destroyed. No one will be able to tell how it happened." he said in a neutral tone.

MARVEL: FREELANCER (Male Saiyan Reader X MCU)Where stories live. Discover now