The End

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Jinzo: Ok so how do you all feel about the Multiverse 

Everyone: We hate it 

Jinzo: Well Remember I only Showed you the Betrayed Worlds for a Halloween Special for my Reader Gods there are Many Good Worlds 

Everyone: Halloween Special What 

Jinzo: Nothing anyway I will tell you many of the Good world out there to calm you all down 

Izuku: What Kind of Worlds 

Jinzo: Well I will say most of the Worlds Start out with You Quirkless and getting Bullied but you always Bring Life and Light to those Worlds 

Izumi: How So 

Jinzo: In Some Izuku alone can change the Hearts just by Talking about his Passion 

Mirko: Sounds like My Bunny 

Izuku: Jinzo Question who do I end up with in All the Multiverse 

Jinzo: Oh That one is hard to Answer do to it being every Girl in Your World 

Aizawa: What do you mean 

Jinzo: Izuku is Every World Ends us with 1 Girl or Multiple in a World, From The Girls of Class 1-A, To 1-B, Nejire, To Pro Heroes, Melissa Shield, To Toga, Hell There are even World that Only Females Have Quirks and Izuku is the Only Male and well becomes the Father of Millions of Kids around the World 

Everyone: What 

Jinzo: Oh Yea and Also something I call unique Ships

Midnight: What are Unique Ships

Jinzo: Ship were they are Gender bent Character, Like I seen a world were Izuku is Dating a Female Aizawa named Shoma Aizawa


Jinzo: Yup 

Aizawa: Me a Female and I date Problem Child 

Jinzo: In that world If I remember you called him Problem Child but when you two Started Dating you called him My Problem Boyfriend

Aizawa: Really 

Jinzo: Yup

Nejire: What other Worlds are there 

Jinzo: Well I seen alot and Created Many 

Momo: Like what kind of Worlds

Jinzo: Some Happy some Dark, A World of Mine Just Ended Izuku had 3 Aliens living in him actually You saw one Remember Carnage

Izuku: Wait that Alien Symbiote Thing 

Jinzo: Yup the World Ended with you Married to your Harem with Many Kids and As Number 1 Hero 

Izuku: But that Carnage 

Jinzo: Different Carnage and That Worlds Izuku wasn't Betrayed and still had a Caring Heart and Dream to be a Hero even after the Neglect and Bullying

Inko: Neglect and Bullying Why would you make a World like that are You a Evil God 

Jinzo: Yes and No, I am Evil when I need to be or if you Piss me off but other then That I am a Nice God 

Inko: But 

Jinzo: Inko We Gods do not expect you Mortals to understand why we make worlds the way do but we do it for our Fellow Gods 

Inko: Ok I am Sorry 

Jinzo: It is alright

Katsumi: Jinzo What was my Role in your World 

Jinzo: Which World 

Katsumi: The Carnage One 

Jinzo: Oh ahhh Its Called Ultimate Symbiotes but ahhh

Katsumi: I bet I protected Ichan from the Bullies and Neglect, And Believe he could be a Hero

Jinzo: Ahhhhh 

Katsumi: What 

Jinzo: You definitely Ended up with Izuku 'Can't say she went Bat Shit Crazy and Tried to Kill Eri to make Izuku hers and Hers alone' 

Katsumi: You sounded sarcastic

Jinzo: No I wasn't anyway any other Questions 

Shoka: Is it Possible for Our Izu to become a Villain 

Jinzo: No not your Izuku but Many Can as you seen 

Nezu: That is a Understatement 

Jinzo: Yea anyway I have Time for one More Questions and I want Izuku to ask me 

Izuku: Jinzo Since being here I learned who loves me and well I was Wondering to Te these Thirsty Girls can I get a Boost in my Stamina 

Jinzo: Hahahahaha I meant about the Worlds but Sure Buddy, Man Can't believe this Izuku isn't scared to say that stuff then again the Izuku's with Harems are never Scares to Talk about Sex 

As I snap my Fingers Izuku gained a major Stamina Boost as Iz look at everyone 

Jinzo: Goodbye Everyone I'll remember this like the Other Gods but you will forget about these Betrayed Worlds 

Everyone: Bye Jinzo 

(Well That is It for this Betrayed-verse story)

(Hope you all enjoyed)

(Anyway Not much to say but Thanks for Reading)

This is Jinzo Signing Out

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