The Beginning

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We see Class 1-A in a Joined Glass with 1-B with The Big 3 and Some Pros like Mirko, Ryukyu, The WWP, Bubble Girl, Mt. Lady, and Ms. Joke  

We see a Green Hair Girl and a Green Hair Boy training Together and a Ash-Blonde Hair Girl and Boy Yelling at Each Other and we See Dual Colour Red and White Hair boy and Girl ignoring a Man with a Fire Bread 

As the Ground started to Shake as everyone gets in a Fighting stance as they all get absorbed by light and then Find themselves in a Big theater room with a Man standing in the Middle looking at them 

Jinzo: Welcome UA to My domain My Name is JinzoKing222 but you may call me Jinzo or Jin if you like 

Katsuki: Villain you Dare kidnap us 

As Katsuki tries to Attack but can't as his Quirk stopped Working as everyone else tries to use their Quirks 

Jinzo: Oh My I am afraid that Quirks are useless here when I am around do to my Godly Power

Ibara: God 

Jinzo: Yes my Dear Ibara I am a God and to put a title of what Type of God, I am a God of the Multiverse and a Place Called the Shadow Realm 

Aizawa: Why are we Here 

AM: Yes Please tell Us 

Jinzo: You are here to watch someone you all hold dear, Someone who can Change wrongs into Right in your World 

Izumi: Onii-chan

Jinzo: You are Correct Izumi 

As everyone looks at Izuku who was shocked 

Izuku: Why Me 

Jinzo: Because Izuku you are the Core of each World My Boy, Without you Your Worlds Multiverse doesn't exist

This Shocked everyone 

Jinzo: Now If you all please have a Seat I will explain more 

As Everyone took a Seat as almost all the Girls try to Fight for a Seat next to Izuku but Izumi and Nejire where the Winners 

Jinzo: Now let me bring in 2 more People 

As I snap my Fingers making Inko and Mitsuki appear as they are scared until they see everyone 

Jinzo: Ok Let me now Explain why you are all here in Full detail 

As Everyone looks at Me as I walk to the Screen 

Jinzo: Now I will be showing you all the Multiverse of Izuku Midoriya, But there is a Little twist 

Inko: What is the Twist 

Jinzo: Before I say it can I ask you all a Question 

Everyone: What is it 

Jinzo: If the LOV made Fake Evidence of Izuku being a Traitor would you all betray him 

Everyone: No Izuku is the Most Honest and Trustworthy person here there is no way he would be a Traitor 

Jinzo: Good now the Theme of these worlds are betrayal

Everyone: What 

Izumi: Why would anyone betray Onii-chan 

Katsuki: Damn it whoever Betrays my Brother I will kill them 

Jinzo: Relax let me explain more, See in the Multiverse everyone is different sure some are similar but some are different, That is why I brought your world in particular to watch this Betrayed-Verse 

Izuku: What do you mean 

Jinzo: Your World Everyone Trust you, Katsuki wasn't a Bully to you 

Katsuki: What 

Jinzo: You in the Multiverse are a Asshole who hates Quirkless people and have a Ego so Big you Make Godzilla look like a Ant in some, You bullied Izuku and told him to kill himself in Most Worlds 

Everyone was silent

Jinzo: That is what I mean about the Multiverse everyone is Different in them and that goes with Izuku also 

AM: What does Young Midoriya do in some of these Universe's 

Jinzo: Good Question All Might see in Some Izuku had a Different Quirk, Different Personality but is still caring and some well he is a Villain 

Everyone: WHAT 

Jinzo: Yes Yes I know Izuku a Villain is hard to believe I know anyway Let me Explain the Betrayed-verses see in these Worlds I am going to Show Izuku was Framed in them all and You all betrayed him, He became Broken and turned into a Villain, Targets you all and takes revenge 

Everyone was Silent 

Jinzo: I will say some do believe he is Innocent and I will say who in each World but before I start I need to ask who is love with Izuku in this World come one raise your Hands 

Most of the Girls Blush and 12 Raise their Hands they were Momo, Kyoka, Katsumi, Shoka, Izumi, Nejire, Midnight, Mirko, Ryukyu, Mandalay, Pixie Bob and Ragoll 

Jinzo: Ok Good 

Mirko: Why is that Good We all just admitted we Love the Green Bunny 

Jinzo: Yes but Now I know who so when a World Come with That Person being with Izuku I can make sure they have extra comfort when they start Crying 

Mitsuki: Ars some of these worlds Sad 

Jinzo: Yes Izuku loses his Mind in a Lot of these because of the betrayal

Inko: I don't want to watch 

Jinzo: I understand so that is why I have that Panic Room to calm down in 

As Everyone looks to see the Panic Room and them looks back at me 

Jinzo: Anyway Let's Begin shall we 

(That is the Beginning oh This Multiverse Story the First Betrayed World will be out on Monday with the Next Chapter of Ultimate Symbiotes)

(I hope you all will enjoy this Little Project)

This Is Jinzo Signing Out

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