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I will remember my DR memories while I'm on my OR as normal.

I can always come up with witty/sassy comeback quickly

All of the music in my OR exists in my DR.

Dumbledore cant read my mind, no one can.

The sorting hat can't see my OR past.

After the first year, my trunk and school bag have undetectable extension charms.

About a mile behind the school, there is a large waterfall with a super deep pond below it. The pond is magic and can heel you, un-curse you and isn't cold no matter how deep you go. The pond has clean crystal clear water. My friends go cliff jumping and swimming in the summer and in the winter the pond freezes and the water fall stops so we can go ice skating. 

The events of the cursed child book doesn't happen.

No one finds out the I have shifted.

I act as if I knot know what the future holds. E.g. when we first meet Hagrid, I will be scared and confused. Not like 'YAY, HAGRID! YOU'RE HERE! Took your time. now I gotta talk with Dumbledore and tell him where all the horcruxes are' 

Lol how do you think that would go?

I understand wizarding currency after the first few tries.

I am immune to obviation. 

I understand the metric system and the English money system

Everyone looks the same as they do in the movies. If they are not in the movie but are in the books (like peeves) they will appear as J. K. Rowling pictured.

It is easy for my room to get messy but I like tidying so it's doesn't become a problem.

I have all my memories from before I get to my DR.

I'm not super sensitive.

There's an Easter egg hunt every year during the holidays for the people who stayed behind.

I understand British slang. 

It has a high chance of snowing on Christmas.

I can't get cold easily.

Boys and girls of the same house are allowed in each other's dorms with the whole rooms permission.

If I go back to my OR, I can shift back on the first try (I will first shift to my WR)

Animals don't run/fly away from me (I can walk past without them getting afraid.) when I'm being still, animals will come to me.

I have a great poker face and don't laugh or make a face when I don't mean to.

There isn't climate change or global warming.

'Huffle buddies' is a thing! The Slytherins get paired up with a Hufflepuff in their year and they become best friends for life. There is a charm cast over the first year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins and they start walking and will bump into their buddie (like instincts). The spell is 'Vita Amicis' The Hufflepuff and Slytherin classes are almost always mixed and paired with their buddies. You can't fall in love with your buddy.

About 200 meters from the lake below the waterfall, along a path that is only noticeable if you're looking for it, is a house exactly like my waiting room.

I will die from old age in both my OR and my DR

Words - 513

Published - 31/10/2022

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