Our Town

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(Conner Clothes)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Conner Clothes)

Witch Church

Conner was watching Bonnie trying to open the box."Your magic won't be able to open the box" He says looking at her.She looks at him"You're even lucky I can't find a way to hurt you"  "I can't be killed. And you and your friends know that. Now, I would watch your mouth on who you are talking to."

Conner says with a smirk.  When the Salvatores came down."Conner."  "Stefan and Damon what a surprise. I thought I told  your dear Bonnie not to tell anyone." He says by looking at her. "They had to know." 

He looks at them before walking to the casket. "Is this bloody thing open, yet." 

"Will you be patient." He watches it while it goes invisible.  He looks confused before going upstairs. Then outside seeing his brother's little hybrids. He stares at him showing his Hybrid face and Conner grab him by the throat before flying in the air"My brother sent you didn't he....I want you to give him a message. Mind his damn business or you and his hybrids will die by my hands. You got that?" He shakes his head and he lets him go"I hope you know how to fly...oh wait, you can't" He flew down there grabbing his collar"Get out of my sight." He vamps away and he goes back inside going downstairs.

When everybody was gone."Where did everyone go?" He felt buzzing in his pocket. He picked up his phone seeing it was Nik. Of course he got offended when he threatened to kill him and his little hybrids. He pick it up putting it on his ear.

-What?- He says annoyed

-Who do you think you are threatening me?-

-Oh, right, what are you going to do about it. Stick me with a dagger like you did to the rest?- He sassed and he hears Klaus let out a annoying sigh.

-Oh, brother, I'll find a way to shut you up- Klaus says trying to get under Conner skin. He of all people knew Conner couldn't be killed. Not a single dagger would hurt him.

-You know I can't be killed. Now, I assume you jealous of my power, aren't you?- Klaus stares at the phone. Conner was wrong. He wasn't jealous. He adored his little brother.

-Now if you must excuse me I have to meet someone today.- Conner says with a smirk. 

-And who's that person, exactly?-

-You know....a doppleganger of Katerina. I wonder what she looks like when I burn her.- He says getting on Nik nerves

-I swear, if you leave a hand on her-

-What will you do?  You going to give me a lecture on not hurting her?-

-I do not plan to lecture you, Conner. I don't want you to hurt her with your anger issuses- Klaus says and Conner crushed the phone. Denying the fact he had anger issuses. Kol was the one who had anger issues. Not him.


Conner flew to the doppelganger school going inside and everybody looked at the good-looking dude. He sees Elena and he taps her shoulder and she turns around  shock"Conner, what are you doing here?" She says and he smirks caressing her hair."If you want to you...I came for you." He smirks before his turns red. And he gets grabbed by the throat.

"Don't even think about it?" He looked at Nik he who was grabbing him"Let me go" He says"Before I rip your arm off." He let him go and he wiped the dust off of him. Before looking at the doppelganger"You are alive this time, Elena. Don't think my brother would save you again."

He pushes past him 

Klaus pov.

I watched as my little walked away. "Somebody needs to put a lease on him." I thought. 

"Sorry, about my brother." I say with a smirk before vamping away. I went back to my house  drinking a bourban. 

When Stefan says something"You know I don't like your hybrid friends. And since your brother is working with us, it would be a bummer if he kills all of your hybrids." 

"My brother would never betray me." I say and Stefan smirks"Are you sure, about that, Klaus?"

As Mindy comes"Is there something wrong?" "No, Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point."I say and  he smiles before cutting Mindy's head off."Well, one down. Let's hope your brother does the rest." He  say vamping away and 

I tried to call Conner when he wasn't answering the phone.  Which confused me. He would always answer the phone either if he was angry at me or annoyed.

Conner pov.

I was at the  Concil Meeting  when I saw Damon"Damon, my old pal" I said and he turned around"Not you" I smirk"What's the prob, I thought you loved my presence"  I say when he looks at me"Stop with all the flirtation, Conner what are you doing here?" 

"Just want to have some fun" I say before winking at him causing him to  shiver. 

I walk inside when I see a Hybrid staring directly at me. I smirk before speeding towards him grabbing his throat"I assume Klaus wants you to spy on me, don't he? Why can't he learn how to mind his damn business?" I say still holding the hybrid by his throat"Now all I have to do is...do a little more pressure on your neck and  click you'd be dead. But I'm going to let you know a little secret. I want you  to tell my brother something." I say with a smirk I whisper in his ear"I'm not really working  for the Scooby Gang." I set him down and he looks at me before vamping away"Oh, and don't stare at me again, or this will happen to you" I laser his arm and smirk"Have a good night"   I hit his shoulder and smile at him

When I see Nik looking at me."So, are you  really not working with them?" "If I was I wouldn't have told you. You see I have a plan. You want Stefan to give you back your coffins, right. Of course you do. I know where they are. All I need is you to distract them" As Nik smirks"You are still the same, brother. A  trickster." He smirks"You really think I would betray you, brother?"

"I mean, you would kinda do it"  "I mean you are right, but that's Kol  doing. And I'm not him. I might act like him but I would never betray you."  


The Mikaelson Alienحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن