"How have you been, ya know after the....Incident..." I look at Blake and they are facing forward. I look around and don't recognize anything, "Blake- Please you're hurting me-" Suddenly they stop and yank me infront of them...

"Why don't you trust me." I look at them confused, "Do you not....Love me....anymore?" I stare at them with wide eyes, "No no! of course I do- its just....I haven't seen you in a long time and-"

"Say it."


I look at Blake again and feel them squeeze my wrist, "W...what- say what-"

"that you love me." I stare at them in fear, why am I scared...I shouldn't be scared....


I cant....

I cant say it....

"I kept the ring." I look at the hand on my wrist and frown, the ring being on one of their fingers....

"can you please loosen your grip-" as I say that their grip tightens, "Shit- Blake- please let go-" I grab their wrist and look them in the eye....


they look at me, black eyes......red pupil.....

that's not right....

"Blake let go-" Their grip tightens again, "Shit- let go please let go- that fucking hurts-" I wince in pain and feel my eye watering, "KOII!" I hear Someone yell and Blake's grip loosens just enough that I can pull my arm away....


I look at my wrist and there's a bug red mark, "Hii! why are you guys over here?" Iceberg runs over and hugs my leg, I quickly hide my wrist behind my back and place a hand on his head, "Hey kid, what's up.."

"Brother Evan said he saw you come this way! and I wanted to see you!" I look up and spot Evan staring at us in fear, he walks to my side and whispers in my ear.

"They hurt you." I stare at the floor in shock, Evan grabs my arm softly and looks at my wrist, he covers his mouth and let's go of my arm.

"What the fuck is wrong with you..." Evan looks at Blake and then back to me, "Why did you do that..." Blake looks at Evan blankly...

"Why do You care" Evan backs up a bit and looks closely at Blake, "Dad we should get you home." I look at Evan confused, "What? why?"

"You have been more tired recently right? since the Ball....it's been hard I know...now let's get you some sleep.." Evan softly grabs my hand and leads me away from Blake

"What is your problem!?" Iceberg slowly follows us, "That is not Blake." I freeze and Evan Almost falls backwards, "What..?"

"4K can shape shift. you should remember this, Write it down maybe, Black eyes. Red pupil. this is important to remember." I stare at Evan, thoughts flying through my head...

if Evan didn't step in....I would've.....


Shy's POV


I follow the horned figure and 4K until they stop, the figure begging 4K to release its grip on its wrist...

"HEY! Let it go!" Suddenly they stop and start talking, "Do you not love me anymore?" I cringe, "No no! of course I do- its just....I haven't seen you in a long time and-"

Everything goes blurry and muffled, "They hurt you." I look directly at the figures wrist and it's glowing a bright green, "You bastard. what is your fucking problem!?" 4K turns to me and smiles, "Because I can."

"Dad....Let's get you home."

everything goes blurry and muffled again, then we are in the figures house...

"Are you okay?" I look down at the small figure with white fox ears and a tail, "I'm okay kid." The horned figure ruffles the child's hair and sits down on the bed, "Get some rest dad." I look at the brown eyed Figure, Dad....

"Well you guys can leave now....I can take care of myself..." I walk over to the horned figure as the others leave the house, "Shit- that fucking hurt..." the figure grabs their wrist in pain, "Oh Koii-"



"You. You are Koii...right?" I place my hand on their cheek again, "Why do I know you....why don't I remember..." Koii leans into my touch and gives a small smile, "Warm...." I frown, "I feel like I should know why I'm connected to you....but I dont...."

right...can't hear me....


1295 words.

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