"....i dont know....."

31 0 0

Koii POV

Where the fuck am i???

"4K? Hello? Anyone here??" I say looking around, it's pitch black in here

"Hello Koii and welcome to my "House", make yourself at home" I hear from a corner of the room, them lights cut on and I realize....



Why was he talking to them?
How did they know?
Why did they....
Why did they kiss..?

4k thinks angrily in the corner of the room staring at koii, "you will be staying here while I do something." 4k says as they start to vanish, "bye, have fun" they say before fully disappearing

I have to find L3shhyy.

Koii POV


They're gone, I have to find out where I am

I think while looking around for any hint of to where I am

When I couldn't see anything that would potentially show me where I am, I start hearing endermen....

Endermen? It sound like I'm surrounded by them. I then start looking through my bag(inventory) I find a water bucket and a couple beds, I was supposed to go on a trip to get netherite with Toji but that got interrupted....

"Ok so if I'm in the nether then I won't be able to place this water, but if I can then I'll test the bed and try to sleep in it" I mumble to myself while grabbing the bucket of water and a bed

I try to place the water....it works...

"So I'm not in the nether." I say picking the water back up and putting the bucket back in my bag, then I place the bed, hiding behind my shield, I touch the bed...

It explodes.

"Wha-" i say, The blast pushing me back a few steps, I look around and I see obsidian, "what the hell, where am i-"

Before I could finish, I hear a massive roar outside.

"What the fuck was that!?" I say confused and a bit anxious, suddenly I see a enderman teleport in the room, i immediately look down at the floor

Few hours later

I am exhausted.... I need sleep

I have been trying to break this one block of obsidian for almost an hour with a stone pick, because apparently I left my diamond one somewhere in the pub, a few minutes later it finally broke, revealing....another layer of obsidian....I gave up and walked to the corner of the room and moved a couple shelfs so I could sit behind them and sleep, then everything slowly went black....


"Uhhhhh they are at their house" I say with a smile, knowing im lying to my own kids hurt..

"Ok papa! Can we go out and pick flowers again?" Iceberg said with a massive smile on his face, then I looked at shroomie, he was staring at Iceberg his cheeks a slight pink, "Shroomie do you want to go outside and pick flowers with Iceberg?" I say smirking at him

"O-oh sure!" Shroomie says, face going completely red from being spotted(no pun intended) by me

"Alright let's go!" Iceberg says grabbing Shroomie and my hand and started running towards the ladder, letting go to climb it as kyler followed

When I got up the ladder, I saw Shroomie and Iceberg stare at something, terrified, I looked over the counter and looked up


"Get behind me, Now." I said in a serious tone grabbing kyler's hand and pulling him behind me, "what do you want" I say pulling out my sword, "I want you to stop talking to koii and putting things in his head. They could have stayed with me and had fun but you just had to ruin his life didn't you." 4K said angrily, "I didn't do shit you bastard," I say back in a serious tone, "you're the the one who destroyed my village. Not me." I finish while getting into a fighting stance, "I might just need to take this." 4k says pointing at Iceberg, "wait-" I say trying to grab Iceberg's arm and failing, I look back at 4k with anger and surprise on my face, I then charge at 4k with my sword, right as I swung they vanished...

I landed on the ground and turned around

"Iceberg...?" I say my voice breaking, "no..no..no no no no no..."

3rd person POV

Shy sat the on the floor of the pub pain in their eyes,  Kyler started hitting Shy lightly,  but Shy just kept repeating the same thing over and over, "no no no no no" he said pain in their voice

ꀍꏂꌚ ᖘꋪꂦꌃꍏꌃ꒒ꌩ ꀷꏂꍏꀷ.....ꌩꏂꍏ ᖘꋪꂦꌃꍏꌃ꒒ꌩ......
4ꀘ ꀤꌚ ꁅꂦꈤꈤꍏ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ ꀍꀤꎭ ꒒ꀤꀘꏂ ꓄ꀍꏂꌩ ꀷꀤꀷ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ᖘꍏꋪꏂꈤ꓄ꌚ.......

shut up.

꓄ꀍꍏ꓄ ꅐꍏꌚ ꋪꀎꀷꏂ.....ꌩꏂꍏ ꀤ꓄ ꅐꍏꌚ.....ꌩꂦꀎ ꌚꀍꀎ꓄ ꀎᖘ ꎇꍏꁅ.....ꀍꏂꌩ ꈤꂦ ꌚ꒒ꀎꋪꌚ ꓄ꀍꍏ꓄ꌚ ꋪꀎꀷꏂ......

what if your right....what if they killed him....

꓄ꀍꏂꈤ ꌩꂦꀎ'꒒꒒ ꒻ꀎꌚ꓄ ꀍꍏ꒦ꏂ ꓄ꂦ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ ꓄ꀍꍏ꓄ ꌚꍏꀷ ꏂꉧꀎꌚꏂ ꂦꎇ ꍏ ꁅꂦꀷ......ꀤ ꍏꁅꋪꏂꏂ ꓄ꌃꀍ......ꌩꏂꍏ ꅐꏂ ꅐꍏꈤ꓄ ꌃ꒒ꂦꂦꀷ.....ꌩꏂꌚ ꓄ꀍꍏ꓄ ꌚꂦꀎꈤꀷꌚ ꈤꀎꏳꏂ....ꀍ......ꌃ꒒ꂦꂦꀷ?.....


......that sounds fun.......

ꌃ꒒ꂦꂦꀷ.....ꌃ꒒ꂦꂦꀷ......ꌃ꒒ꂦꂦꀷ ꎇꂦꋪ ꀤꏳꏂꌃꏂꋪꁅ....ꋪꏂ꒦ꏂꈤꁅꏂ.....ꍏ꒦ꏂꈤꁅꏂ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꌚꀎꈤ ꌚꀍꌩ....ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ 4ꀘ


I feel hitting on my shoulder, I look up seeing a blurry child, "K-kyler?" I say vision blurred, probably from crying, I latched myself onto kyler

As I did so I felt something hug my arm, I look over and see Shroomie latched onto my arm sobbing into Kylers shoulder, "I'm sorry....I'm so so sorry..." I say still crying

"Papa what's going on?" Kyler signs to me 

"Iceberg is....fine..." I say in-between hiccups, "Who was scary person. took Icey." Kyler signs knowing I was lying...

"....an old...friend....lets just go to s-sleep...." I say picking up kyler and grabbing Shroomies hand, walking back behind the counter, still sobbing into his shoulder, "....is Icey gonna be ok?" Shroomie says still crying


"I....don't know....."

Thanks for reading :)

1005 words

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