Chapter 3

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While standing next to the door the tracks they were following led to, the thumping noise was there, again.

"There's that funny pounding again." Shaggy comments

"And it's coming from in here." Velma said as she opened the door, and the room was pitch black

"I ain't going in there, no way!" Shaggy states

"How about...that way!" Velma says as she shoved Shaggy and Scooby into the dark room

Once the three were all in the room, the door slammed shut behind them, and all the audience can see is the their eyes but strangely, there's a noticeable gap between Shaggy and Velma's.

"I feel like i've been dipped in ink and let loose in a coal mine!" Shaggy comments

"Let's keep a hold of each other's hands so we don't get separated." Velma states as she grabs a hand she thinks is Shaggy's with one had while putting her other hand on Scooby

Shaggy had grabbed an oddly cold hand he thought was Velma's as they all walked back in the direction the door is, blindly.

"For a girl, you sure got some cold, clammy hands, Velma." Shaggy comments

"Your hands are like a couple of Magikarp right out of a lake." Velma responds

"I think I feel a doorknob." Shaggy comments, grabbing a doorknob

"Open it, so we can get the outta here!" Velma stated

"Yeah. Out!" Shaggy replies

Once out of the pitch black room, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma noticed that the Headless Specter was with them as well. Seeing this made them realize what Asa Shanks told them about was true!

 Seeing this made them realize what Asa Shanks told them about was true!

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"Yikes, there IS a Headless Specter!!" Velma exclaimed

The Headless Specter then laughed maniacally. The creepy laugh alone was enough to send the group running.

"Yeow!!" Shaggy yells as he took off running

The group ran past a fireplace, not noticing the Headless Specter rising from the ashes, his suit seemingly untouched as he once again, laughed maniacally.

Ba-da-da, Ba-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da

Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma ran up a staircase to one of the higher up level in the mansion.

The Headless Specter stood at the bottom of the stairs as if it was staring at them as Shaggy and Scooby lifted up the end of the stair's carpet and went down with the carpet, causing a wave of sorts to go down the stairs.

Scooby-Doo! I Choose You!: Haunted House Hang-UpWhere stories live. Discover now