Character profile

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Name: Edith

Favorite Colors: blue, silver, and black.

Gender: female

pet: Fiona(squirrel)

Love interest: Varian

Nickname's: Sweetheart(Ariana and Fredric). Free bird(Eugene, Lance, Varian). Little warrior (Cassandra, Peat, Stan). Angle (Uncle Monty, Fredric). Your highness (Captain and Qurin). Starlight (Varian). Blue stripe(Rupnzel, Cassandra, Eugene, Varian, and Lance).

Personality traits: Quiet, sarcastic, easily annoyed, introvert, kind, agreeable, sensible, smart, humble, pessimistic, curious, usually minds her own business, quick thinker, puts others before herself, anxious, self conscious, forgiving, independent.

physical traits: short black hair with a blue streak(the blue streak comes in later), blue eyes, pale skin.

fear's: dogs, spiders, fear of being unlovable, fear of being left behind, fear of losing everything and everyone around her, fear of letting everyone down, fear of losing her kingdom.

Age: 13(when Rupunzel return's). 14(during Rupunzel's coronation and during season 1). 15(during season 2). 16(during season 3).

Likes: cats, history, crafts, drawing, music, reading, complex puzzles, new things, adventure, her kingdom, the quiet, lemonade, apple's, animals, butterflies, flowers, exploring new areas, myths and legends, personal space, singing, cooking.

Dislikes: when people are a little to loud, when people make their problem her problem, insect's, bananas, sitting around doing nothing, repetition, nagging, writing.

Talents: drawing, violin, cooking, sword fighting, bow and arrow, knives, creating little items, singing, swimming.

Background: When Edith was born, her parents queen Ariana and king Fredric still greaves over Rupunzel's disappearance. Ariana and Fredric feared about their daughter's safety and forbid Edith from going outside the castle. Before Rupunzel returned Ariana and Fredric would not look at their daughter because they see Rupunzel in Edith. Edith knows what her parents are going through and forgives her parents for the way they treated her. Edith grew up with Cassandra, in a way Edith admires Cassandra. Cassandra teaches Edith how to fight and defend herself when Edith is six years old. Edith grew up being very lonely in the castle as she had basically no one to talk to but she has her pet squirrel named Fiona.

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