Chapter One

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I walked myself home from school, thinking about what I'm going to do over the weekend. I don't have anyone to hang out with so I might as well have a movie night with my parents.

We usually have a movie night every once in a while considering I don't have any other things to do. My dad hates chick flicks but mom and I always find a way to end up watching them. One of our favorites to watch is the classic Wizard of Oz , we watch it when dad doesn't give into watching a chick flick.

I walked up the driveway to the door and unlocked the door with the key under the mat.

I walked in and yelled "Hey mom! I'm home!"
"Hey sweetheart! Are we having movie night?"
"I hope so, I wanna watch Titanic."
My mom walked in from the kitchen, she was still in her work clothes. Mom is a teacher at the local elementary here in Ruthersville, on the coast of Georgia.
"That sounds like a great movie Kya. Call your father and see where he is okay?"
"Okay mom!"
I walked over to where the phone is and was reaching for it when I heard a knock.
"That must be dad" Mom said.
I ran towards the door an opened it to be greeted by an officer.
"Are you Margaret Harris?"
"Uh.. No sir.. MOM! There's someone to see you." I yelled for her.
I heard her footsteps and she appeared at the door.
"Oh well hello good afternoon officer, what seems to be the problem?"
" I'd rather the child wasn't here for this, I'd like to speak to you only Mrs.Harris."
"Okay officer."
My mom shooed me away, so I went to the living room and picked up Titanic.
I picked up the disk and placed it into the player and heard sobs. I was confused so I ran back over to the officer and realized the sobs came from my mother.
"I'm sorry Mrs.Harris. Have a good afternoon." The officer stalked away to his car and drove off.
I give a comforting squeeze on my mothers arm.
"Mom what's wrong?" I was afraid of what she was about to say.
"Come sit- down on-the c-couch -and -I'll explain dear" she choked between sobs.
We walked towards the couch and sat down. What she was about to say was not what I wanted to hear.
"Kya, your father got in a vehicle accident. H-He was the only person who died in this crash. I'm so sorry Kya." She managed to get out. She brought me in a hug, but I didn't move.
I was shocked. I couldn't believe this was happening. Tears were flowing out, I stood up quickly and put my hands on my face wiping the tears. I ran. I ran as far away as I could, I ran out of the house. I could hear my mother yelling for me "Kya! Kya!"
I kept running, I ran towards the only place where I could relax. I ran towards the shop. The shop my dad owned. It was an auto part store named Peters Parts.
I ran in the store getting looks from the customers and ran to the back. I went to my favorite corner where I would always read books while my dad was working. I sat down in my corner and cried. I cried loud, I just say there and cried what felt like hours were just a few minutes. I heard footsteps coming towards the back and looked up, I saw John walking back and looking at me with wild eyes.
"What's going on Kya? All I know is that you ran in like a spider monkey." He joked.
"I'm not it the mood for jokes John! Dad-" I choked back sobs
"Dad died!" I finally said.
John , my brother, looked at me shocked as tears started to form in his eyes.
"He, he did?"
I nodded not saying anything knowing I would just start crying all over again.
"I-uh, I... What?"
"Go ask mom John! I can't talk about this!" I screeched at him. I shut my eyes as tears started coming again. I just couldn't believe it. What was my family going to do? What was going to happen?
All these questions were rolling in my head until I finally fell asleep in the shop.

I woke up confused about where I was. I'm in my room. I got up did my normal routine when I woke up, stretched then got ready for my day. I was cheery, then memories from yesterday hit me like a truck. Tears came back, that was when I realized this was real he's gone forever. No more movie nights with him. No more home cooked meals. No more shop. What's going to happen to the shop?
I ran down the stairs tear strained cheeks.
"Mom!" I finally choked out.
"Mom is this real?" I asked her.
She saw me, she saw the tears.
"Oh honey." She held her arms wide. I ran into them crying. It's real. It really is.
"Mom, why him? Why did it have to be dad?"
"Shh it's okay Kya, we will get through this."
I knew she was trying not to cry, I could hear it straining in her voice. She was trying to be strong for me.

YAY! New book! So yall probs like... The day I get a purple gorilla? What's that supposed to mean? It's later in the book! Hope you liked this first sad chapter I know.... ITS SO SAD! 😢😢😢 I'm sowwy I had to
Well keep reading!

I need something to call you readers.. Like potatoe.... Or something😂😂
Okay I'll call you readers for now! Comment, vote, follow, share!!!!


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