Chapter 5: Unlucky Realizations, Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Mademoiselle Laurence! How art thou on this fine day?"

Calvin blinked once, then twice, Who the hell?

Weirdly enough, Calvin's prayers had been answered.

How? He had no clue, but he was glad to still be alive.

Intrigued, he looked at the newcomer, while wondering, who is that? Also, why isn't he wearing a uniform?

"Mr. Ronchelieu, why are you so late?" Mademoiselle Laurence's indignant voice rang clear through the classroom.

Oh, okay. That's another valid question to ask. Also, she was so quiet I forgot she was here. Looks like she was just trying to preserve her standing as a teacher when she called Kaeydan out for his rude comment. Calvin concluded, slightly depressed that he had been correct.

However, he let it go, turning his full attention to the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

"Sorry Ms., I had to take care of some errands for Patricia. There was only one time slot left available and you know she takes her studies very seriously." The boy replied calmly, the fun note his voice previously had, toned down to a more respectful one.

Looking at him curiously, Calvin was surprised to find features similar to that of the three male leads on the newcomers' face. Like Kaeydan and Brandon, he had a strong, sharp jawline and similarly to Tristan, his lips were full. All that was accompanied by slightly narrowed dark eyes.

Dark eyes that stared right into his own unfamiliar light blue ones.

Calvin's eyes shot to his desk.

Why was he looking at me like that? I don't remember someone like him being mentioned in the novel... but Patricia. I remember a Patricia.

Calvin's gaze shot back up as he made the connection, but he could not be entirely sure without a name.

"Ailín, where is your uniform mate?" one of the classmates seated towards the front of the room exclaimed with laughter.

Ailín. A flash of pain rushed through Calvin's head as he pieced the information together. Ailín and Patricia Ronchelieu. Patricia, the best friend of the female lead, and Ailín the dead brother that gets killed in a duel right before the beginning of the story.

Calvin looked back at his desk, pressing the palm of his left hand against his forehead.

Killed by Kieran.


Calvin looked back up, watching as Ailín laughed, his perfectly straight white teeth flashing as he responded to the question, "My maid accidentally poured tea all over me this morning and the other uniform was still in the wash."

Why wasn't he dead? Had the story not even begun?

He watched in awe as Ailín turned towards Mademoiselle Laurence, "please let my tardiness and incorrect fashion go for today, Mademoiselle Laurence. I promise I won't be late tomorrow and will be wearing the correct clothing."

It wasn't too late yet, Calvin realized. He still had a chance of survival.

He stared at Ailín. He was the key.

A heavy sigh distracted him as the Mademoiselle Laurence responded, "Just this once. I won't be as lenient next time."

Ailín smiled brightly.

A smile so bright that it nearly blinded Calvin.

"Thank you, Ms.!"

Calvin watched as Ailín slowly made his way over to the last empty seat in the room. Located right next to him. A sly smile appeared on Ailín's face as he met Calvin's stare.

"Got anything to say, Mr. Cinderbreaker?"

Immediately Calvin averted his eyes while grunting in disapproval. He did not look up or move while the boy sat down next to him. Why he was this nervous, he did not know, but perhaps it was the overall vibe of Ailín's appearance that threw him off. He looked like a reaper, with his black hoodie pulled over his seemingly dense, curly black hair. And while he did not look unfriendly, Ailín radiated an aura that warned Calvin to be cautious. However,  judging by the atmosphere of the classroom, no one other than Calvin seemed to notice it.

Taking his attention off Ailín and redirecting it to the board, Cal was reminded of the problem he had been asked to solve.

"Mr. Cinderbreaker, I will kindly ask you one more time, please come up and solve the question written on the board."

Cal felt Brandon, Tristan and Kaeydan's eyes glued to the side of his face and gave in. He got lucky once but that wouldn't mean that he would get the same luck twice in a row.

Opening his mouth to respond with an incorrect answer, Calvin was suddenly interrupted by Ailín's smooth voice stating, "x^2 + 3x – 4 = 0 is solvable when x is either 1 or negative 4."

Too stunned to speak, Calvin looked at Ailín incredulously.

What the hell is happening?

He had just saved him twice.

The other students seemed just as stunned as Calvin however didn't say a thing. Even the teacher and the male leads didn't make a comment. Instead, they moved onto the next question. Leaving Calvin forgotten and confused.

But one thing Calvin knew for certain: Ailín Ronchelieu was dangerous.

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