Chapter 1: Oh, Come On!

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As Calvin awoke, he felt as though he was floating on a soft cloud. It was as if his mind was lagging slightly behind, as he was not able to fully distinguish his surroundings. A noise of some sort kept tickling his eardrums, however he pushed it away, believing it to be but a bug buzzing near his ear.

However, instead of going away, the noise persisted and intensified. Changing from whispering vibrations to knocking on a hard surface.

A wooden slate? A door?

But this was impossible as he lived alone and the main door to his home was steel. Still half asleep, Calvin let his mind wander and pondered what the cause of the noise could be.

It seemed to be going well until he fully opened his eyes and his mind caught up to his surroundings. The scene stole his breath away.

He lay in a king-sized bed, draped in dark-colored silken sheets. The ceiling expanding above him was white with a touch of gold. A white background, decorated with delicate patterns resembling vines. Some were coated in gold leaf, while others remained simple and the base color. Purple tapestries were attached to every surface and a perfectly polished marble floor reached out to every corner of the room.

This isn't my room, Calvin realized in horror, looking around desperately while trying to grasp where he was. Only when he felt his mind growing fuzzy did he realize that he was hyperventilating.

Shit, he thought, before grabbing his hand and rubbing it soothingly. Everything is fine, Calvin. You are fine, and we will figure this out. For now, you need to breathe though.

Focusing on his breathing, he utilized the skills he had learnt from stress therapy – a truly useless activity. Managing to calm down to a certain extent, he sat up completely and started running through what could have possibly happened before this.

A few seconds ticked by before he looked up, confused: Wait, didn't I get hit by a bus and die?

None of this made sense. Even in his wildest dreams, a scenario such as what was currently happening did not exist. He was about to start panicking again, before a knock resounded from the two large doors located on the other side of the room perpendicular to the bed.

"Young Master Kieran, please wake up, you need to go to school."

Confused, Calvin looked around. Was there anyone other than him inside this room? If yes, that was creepy, and if no, who the heck who's the person outside the door talking to?

A sigh could be heard from behind the door, before the voice continued, "Young Master, please, I know you do not wish to attend school, but you must regardless. I will get in trouble if you do not do as told."

Remaining silent, Calvin got up off the bed and walked around the room, looking for hints as to who this 'Young Master' may be. Nothing really stood out. It was as if the owner of this room barely had a personality or interests at all. Only when Calvin reached the desk that stood in front one of the large windows did he stop and hold his breath.

The newspaper sprawled across the desk was flipped open to an article about the engagement of 'Crown Prince Brandon.' Since when did America have a Monarchy?

Something was horribly wrong; Calvin just hadn't figured out what.

Moving away from the desk, he proceeded to look through the different drawers of a wardrobe, until he suddenly came to a stop. In the second to last drawer lay a mirror, which seemed broken?

At least it should've been, as the face it reflected was in no way, shape, or form Calvin's.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Calving screeched, before clasping both hands over his mouth in panic. That wasn't his voice. His voice wasn't that low and melodic. Seconds later he scrambled away from the wardrobe. The hands clasped over his mouth were also foreign.

Not only were they slenderer and more elegant, but the skin tone was completely off. As far as he remembered, his skin color was paler than olive brown. The young boy looked up in horror as the doors swung open and a young woman in a maid outfit came running in.

"Young Master Kieran, what happened? Are you hurt?" She asked worriedly, crouching down five meters in front of him and eyeing him cautiously.

Calvin held his breath, pinning her with a confused stare. He opened his mouth to respond but then thought better of it and closed it again. He couldn't ask who she was, lest she thought he had amnesia. The impossible had happened, and until he figured out how exactly it had come to be, he would play along. Gathering his wits, Calvin tried again a few seconds later, "I apologize, I thought I saw a bug?"

The statement sounded more like a question, but eh, what was he going to do?

"A bug, Young Master?" the woman questioned, clearly thrown off by his response.

"Yes," Calvin swallowed, "a bug."

Although the woman's facial expression remained blank, Calvin could see as she swallowed and heard the slight giggle that escaped the confines of her throat.

Rude, Calvin thought skeptically.

Silently he watched as the maid collected herself and then politely said, "Okay, Young Master, I shall leave you to get ready then."

Calvin cleared his throat, "Ah, yes, thank you."

A glint of surprise lit up in the woman's eyes but disappeared almost immediately after. Calvin watched as she got up, dusted off the back of her skirt and the front of the apron she wore over it, before heading out the door and closing it quietly behind her.

Well, that could've gone considerably worse, he sighed.

Standing up he walked over to the door on the far-left side of the room. He assumed that it was the bathroom as it was the only door other than the one the young woman had just walked out of. Opening it, he was relieved to find he was correct.

Okay, time to try and figure out what the hell is happening.

Calvin took a deep breath before approaching the black marble sink which stood in front of a large mirror. While approaching it he kept his eyes locked on his feet.

Just breathe, this isn't scary at all. Everything has a completely logical explanation.

After a minute of hesitation, he slowly lifted his gaze up to the mirror. His mind reeled, his heart thumping painfully in his chest. The person staring back at him wasn't Calvin.

Well, it was. That much was clear by the fact that his reflection mirrored his movements perfectly. However, it was not the university student Calvin Park. Instead of oily, straight black-hair and dark-brown eyes, the person staring back at him had fluffy platinum-blonde hair and light blue eyes.

The individual standing in front of him was distant, yet familiar. Calvin knew he had seen him somewhere. Calvin stared at his unknown reflection pondering where he had seen the face that stared back. Until it finally hit him. The person holding his uncertain gaze was none other than the villain of his sister's favorite web novel named 'Taming Him', Kieran Cinderbreaker.

Oh, come on!

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