Chapter 10: Seeing Red

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The walk to the library was a difficult one.

Despite the original pain he had felt in the classroom gradually receding, it had not taken long before the dull ache returned, three times worse. It had re-worked itself into a repeated stabbing pain which tormented him in intervals.

The pain wasn't even the worst part though. No, it was the anger.

Anger at Mademoiselle Laurence, for publicly humiliating him and calling him out on every single detail he got wrong.

Anger at his classmates, for actively fighting against him no matter what he did, what he said.

Anger at himself, for jumping onto the bait and fighting a fight he couldn't win.

What had he ever done to deserve this treatment?

Forcing himself to take a short break, Cal let himself slump slightly against the wall. His breathing was ragged and his heart rate elevated.

"Calm down, you idiot," he whispered angrily, "why are you letting their opinions get to you like this? It's nothing new. Even in university you were the odd one out. For now, get to the library and try to figure out what is happening with your body."

With a newfound goal, Cal attempted straightening up.

A horrible life choice.

He hissed as his pain levels spiked, but he wouldn't let it stop him.

He had to get to the library.

Had to find answers to the questions he sought.

Preferably without anyone knowing the poor state he was in. Keeping his image as Kieran, as the original villain, was more important than any feeble dilemma he found himself in at the moment. Far worse things could happen once the truth of his identity came out.

Calvin hid his pain, though he did so with great difficulty.

Masking it behind a façade built of anger and dark promises, he stepped forward. Though every step was a test of self-control, he managed. The ominous energy coursing through him testing and teasing his patience relentlessly, was not enough to make him falter.

Cal gritted his teeth, clutching his chest as if it could help contain the sudden rage washing over him. Were these emotions even his own?

Unsteadily, he moved towards the library, but his determination flickered.

He knew he wouldn't make it.

Another flash of rage slashed through him, accompanied by pain he would not wish upon his worst enemy. Gasping, he veered into a smaller corridor, effectively changing his course, and headed for the toilet located at the end of it.

It hurts.

Desperation made itself known in his chest.

Make it stop, it hurts.

Pushing the restroom door open, Calvin barged inside, growling at the one boy fixing his hair in the mirror to get out. His voice was laced with a strange authority he couldn't understand. However, Cal also couldn't find it in himself to care as the tone made the guy comply quickly, though the squeal he released made Calvin wonder whether he had entered the correct bathroom.

Pushing the useless thoughts aside, he turned on the tap and splashed his face with the cold water. He then allowed himself to bump into the wall, slowly sliding down. The cool tile was a welcome contrast to the feverish heat of his skin.

Calvin flexed his fingers tiredly, before grappling at his chest once more as another sting rushed through it. What the hell was happening to him?

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