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Today was the day. My first date. Mary and joey had their date the other day after I found out that they started talking.

I've dated other guys before but we never went on actual dates. Mason said to dress fancy and casually at the same time when I asked him

I'm gonna have to sneak out though. Dominique will freak out if she finds out I'm happy

Anyways I hopped out of the shower and did my skin routine and then my makeup after that I got dressed.

After about ten minutes I heard two beeps in a row come from a car. I knew it was mason because that was a secret signal we had

After sneaking past the cameras I walked down the driveway to see mason standing at his car with a bouquet in hand

"Wow you look - wow, "He said cutting himself off, speechless.

"you look wow too," I said kissing him on the cheek, he opened the door for me as I got closer. After we both sat down in the car he turned up the radio and his voice sounded from the speakers

"so how do you like hearing your voice on the radio all the time," I asked him as he drove us to our destination

"Honestly sometimes it's a good thing seeing how far joey and I have come in our career other times it feels kinda pressured to have to be perfect all of the time"

"Well, you don't have to be perfect around me because trust me I'm the furthest thing from it," he reached over to grab my hand which was on my lap, and brought it up to his mouth, giving it a kiss

Moments later we pulled up to the spot.it was karaoke doke.Mary Tami and I came here for mine and Mary's 16th birthday which Dominique forced us to work on.

It was on of the best time in my life where I just felt free with the people I love doing what I love.

But maybe me and mason can make new memories

He pulled into a parking spot and hopped out of the car and before I could even open the door it was yanked open by mason who reached in for my hand which I have him

As soon as I stepped from the car we were bombarded by paparazzi.this will most likely be on the news later and Dominique will kill me

"Mason who is she"

"Are you dating"

"When's the wedding"

The paparazzi bombarded us with other questions as we walked to the doors which were guarded by security who got us in safely without any paparazzi getting in

When we got through the doors we broke out into a giddy laughter

"I'm sorry about that"he apologized,a look of sorrow on his face

"It's fine,I guess I'll just have to deal with it if I'm gonna be seeing a pop star"I said half joking

"Seeing me?hmm I guess I wouldn't be totally opposed to that idea but maybe it's more than that"he replied chuckling again,leading me over to a table

The club was full of people who couldn't be less interested in mason being there which I was very glad for

A waiter came up and asked for our drinks

After a while our drinks came and we just talked about the most random things

"So what's the deal with Dominique,are you her step daughter or?"he asked trailing off

"Well it's kind of a boring and miserable story"

"Well its one I'm willing to listen to if your telling it"

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