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Charles' alarm rang in the morning, and he turned around in the large bed to shut it down. He reached for his phone, stopping the alarm and rechecking the time. It was half past eight, the time they all agreed to get out of bed and do stuff. Charles rubbed his tired eyes and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, shoving the sheets aside. He sat there for a second, letting out a deep sigh.

Right, the charter, the yacht, Lili.

He swallowed hard, a part of him knowing that he had been acting childish yesterday, and that he had too much to drink and that he might have told too much on the sundeck. He truly didn't want the crew and Liliana's colleagues to hear him, but that happened, unfortunately. Charles decided it was time for him to get himself together. He had the time to think and blabber on about Lili, now it was time to actually enjoy the Charter.

Charles left his phone on the nightstand, and he got up, pushing himself from the edge of the bed and making his way to the bathroom. He splashed some cold water on his face, reaching for a towel after. He took a glass of water and his vitamins, then brushed his teeth and went to the closet to get dressed. Charles reached for a pair of shorts and a light blue button-up. As he opened the curtains in front of the window, he could already see that it was nice and sunny out, and even though it was still quite early, it would probably be quite hot already. Charles pushed his feet into some slippers and made his way out of his cabin. He walked to the bridge deck, where the table was already set for breakfast.

"Good morning!" Marion told him, she came from behind him with water and fruit.

"Good morning," Charles told the second stewardess, taking a seat at the table and looking around as he seemed to be the only one there.

"You're the early bird of your friends, I see," Marion smiled brightly. "Would you like some coffee, tea, water, anything?" She asked next.

Charles nodded. "A cappuccino, please," he replied.

Marion went back inside to get his coffee.

He was indeed the first one to be out on the deck, but it didn't take long before Pierre joined him.

"Good morning, mate," Pierre told him, his hands briefly rubbing Charles' shoulders as he walked behind him to take the seat on his left side. "Didn't expect you to be this early," Pierre said. "Looking at your state last night," the Frenchman grinned.

Charles chuckled. "I feel quite well, I hydrated well last night before sleeping," Charles explained.

"Not going to lie, I felt like hitting snooze, but I didn't," Pierre admitted, reaching for the water to pour something into his glass.

Soon after, Carlos and Charles' friends also joined. When Marion came back with Charles' coffee, the table was already filled.

"So, what are we doing today?" Pierre asked, tapping his fingers on the table.

They had to wait shortly before breakfast would be served, which would be a mix of eggs, fruit, and vegetables they could take and scoop onto their plates.

"Water sports," Carlos replied, taking a glass of orange juice. "And the hike, I requested it yesterday. We have the picnic tomorrow, remember?" Carlos continued.

Charles nodded. He liked that they were going for a hike today, just to be off the boat a little and admire the beautiful nature.

"I asked Lili to prepare some stuff for us to take. She said she hired a guide for us," Pierre spoke up.

"Great," Charles replied.

He sipped from his coffee while the food was served, and the topic changed to sports while they were enjoying breakfast. Charles found his mind drifting away from Lili, and it was good, it was relieving, and he felt like it is better for his friends too, if he just stopped thinking about her for once.

Below Deck || C. LeclercTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang