Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    "I..." He Li only said a word, but couldn't go on.

    - What's the matter with her? !

    He Li stared at Yao Guang in horror, she was obviously only a teenage girl, but the murderous aura she released at that moment made her unable to make a sound at all!

    "...I didn't," He Li reluctantly said after adjusting for a long time, "I just... see your collar loosened."

    Yao Guang stared at her coldly.

    After a long time, he let go.

    "Be careful," she said coldly, "don't touch me in the future."

    "Mom!" After Yaoguang left, Yaozhu hurried up, "Are you all right?!"

    He Li stood up with her hand, Looking at Yao Guang's back in shock: "Azhu, is she... like this at school?" How does it feel to be completely different from before? !

    Yaozhu bit her lower lip: "Mom, leave her alone," she paused and lowered her voice, "Don't forget the purpose of calling her here this time..."

    He Li calmed down and nodded, "...Yes. "

    After Yaoguang entered the house, he didn't see Yaozhou.

    She turned around and said, "Where's Yaozhou?"

    She came back this time just to take Xiaoyao's gift, and didn't want to stay long.

    He Li followed behind her, and frowned slightly when she heard the words: "Xiaoyao, why do you call your father that?" After

    speaking, her voice changed again, stained with a bit of sadness: "Alas...Actually, I too I understand that you have resentment in your heart, but it was your mother who made the mistake first, and she was too stubborn to accept your father's aid, insisting on going to Black Mercury..."

    Yaoguang directly ignored her long speech: "He Where is it?"

    He Lika shrugged and said angrily: "There are still some affairs to be dealt with in the army, and it is estimated that we will be back at night."

    Yaozhu suggested: "Why don't you go to the room to rest for a while? I've been busy all day, and I'm tired."

    Immediately, a maid stepped forward and motioned to Yaoguang, "Miss, please come here."

    Yaoguang paused. Down, only to step up to keep up.

    Although Yaozhou was only a small Viscount, the mansion was not small. The whole mansion had four floors and was decorated with luxury. Yaoguang followed the maid for four or five minutes before stopping in a room on the third floor.

    The maid respectfully said: "This is the room you lived in before. Madam heard that the young lady is coming back, so she specially asked us to clean it up."

    The room where Xiao Yao lived?

    Yaoguang frowned slightly, nodded and said, "I see, thank you." The

    maid seemed to have something to say, but Yaoguang had already closed the door.

    She took a low breath and looked around.

    If you want to compare this room, Xiaoyao's home in Black Mercury is like a straw shed - the floor is covered with a thick velvet carpet, you can step on it to wrap your entire foot, and hang on the wall with exquisite wallpaper. Full of various decorations, a gorgeous crystal chandelier above the head sheds a blurred brilliance.

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