Day 3

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Dr. Jacob Anthony Dwight

May 18, 2046

14:24 p.m.

Disease Administrative Office, Military Base Unit

Miami Beach, Florida


"Everyone here is working non-stop at the lab, waiting for Meadow's friends to wake up, which will be in two days, might I add." I say, looking at the screen. I hold up a syringe with a blue liquid inside. That would be the presumed cure for the Bloodflare Virus.
"We will inject them with this liquid at the base of their necks and see how they will respond. We will then keep them under surveilance for 3,946 hours and 57 minutes, which is basically 164.45625 days, in the radiation-protected level of the compound to see if there are no abnormal changes in their behavior. After this amount of time, we will release them in public by the infected victims to see if they are cured and we are sure that the cannot carry the virus anymore. If they are cured, we will sell this to the public for at least five dollars. No more, no less. I understand that there are people that need money, so that is the price we will sell it for."
"Dr. Dwight, subject 3509-AB7 is showing signs of closely waking up. If I can estimate, she will wake up in at least 29 hours." Jakki, my female second in command, tells me.
"Wow. That is extrodinary. " I look back at the screen. "Have you guys heard!? Maria, or in other words, Subject 3509-AB7, is waking up!! I am sorry for the short video but we are very busy!! Thank you guys for your understanding!!! I must see this!! No one has woken up that early!! This is a very happy Dr. Dwight, signing off."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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