Chapter 4-Bye

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Later that day you were in Alma's room sitting at her desk writing a letter to Jared. Though you couldn't seem to find the right words. You did want a divorce, yes. But that really wasn't something to tell him over a letter, that's just be cruel. Plus if you planned to move away you'd need to return home for your belongings, or at least the more emotionally valuable things. You'd have to leave before you could stay.

You finished the letter explaining you'd be coming home soon then went downstairs to find Alma. It took a while but Emma pointed you in the direction of the greenhouse. "Alma?" She looked up from the book she'd been reading and gave you a smile. "I need to speak with you."

"Of course." She moved over to make room for you on the bench and set aside her book. "What's going on?"

"I'm going home today. I'm sorry Alma, but I can't stay here. Not now and maybe not ever." You hated to admit it but you'd considered not coming back after going home. You yourself might not be happy where you are in life, but so many others would die to be in your position. Married to a nice man with a good enough job that you don't have to work and can blow a ton of money traveling.

Alma tried not to show her sadness. "And when will you be leaving today?"

"When the next ferry leaves in an hour." She didn't look at you, instead staring at her hands in her lap.

"I see..." She stood abruptly and went to the door to leave. "I think I heard the children calling me." She muttered as she walked away, though it was a painfully obvious lie.

You weren't quite sure what to make of such a reaction but shrugged it off. You went up to the room you shared with Alma in an attempt to find your clothes from yesterday. Though you had no luck and assumed Alma had taken them away to be washed. So instead you decided to go back downstairs and spend a few minutes with the children then say goodbye before beginning your walk to the ferry. As soon as you got outside Emma approached you. "What did you say to Miss P?"


"I cut her off after she left the greenhouse but she only muttered something incoherent and rushed past me. I don't even know where she's gone. But she is clearly upset. What did you say to her?"

"I wasn't aware she was so upset.. I'd just told her about how I'm leaving in an hour or so. I'm walking so I best be going soon, it takes a while. Though I do need to say my goodbyes before I leave."

"You certainly do. I'll round up the children. You go find Miss Peregrine, and apologize for your sudden departure. Tell her you'll visit at the very least." She scolded and walked off to find the other kids. You sighed and went to search the house for Alma, eventually finding she was in her study. You knocked on the door and waited for a 'come in'.

"Hello again." You shut the door and walked over to her desk where she sat, avoiding eye contact. "Alma, look at me." She sighed and looked up at you. "Listen I'm sorry, I know this was sudden and I should've given you a bigger heads up. But I'll write to you, if you'd like. And I could visit occasionally."

She sighed and stood up, then walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you. You returned the hug quickly. "I'd like that very much."

"I'm glad. Now come on, I need to say goodbye to everyone." She followed you out of the house where you were tackled by all of the children. You screamed as they made a dog pile on top of you. Alma stood to the side snickering. You deserved this. "Get off me!" You yelled to no avail.

"Children." Alma's tone was stern and the children immediately got up. You thanked her and stood up. "You may say your goodbyes in an orderly manner, please do not take too long, I need to get Y/n down to the pier before the ferry leaves."

The children all came over one by one and said their goodbyes. Enoch's was a simple 'bye' as though he were happy to be rid of you, then walked off right afterwards. Emma's and Olive's were much longer, both claiming they're write to you and asking where they should send the letters. You gave everyone who asked, and Alma who didn't ask but you knew she would, your address in London so they'd know where to address letter too.

After the children said all they needed to say Alma put Enoch in charge and began walking arm in arm with you to the ferry. Her quick pace was much faster than your normal speed and you didn't doubt that you'd get there in time. "You'd better write."

"I already promised I will."

"And you'll visit?"

"Of course, I'll make you aware of when I plan to do so in letters."

When you arrived at the ferry Alma pulled you in for one last hug. "Until we meet again."

"I'll visit as soon as I can. Goodbye, Alma."

"Goodbye, Y/n. Have safe travels."


I wanted to update before my day gets busy, hope this will suffice.

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