Chapter 2-Staying

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First she explained what a peculiar was. Then an ymbryne, what both of you were. You stayed silent, enraptured by the strange yet marvelous woman that's sat in front of you. She explained the basics of peculiardom to you. That peculiarity's often skip a generation. You briefly wondered if your biological grandmother had been an ymbryne. But you'd never known anything of the family you'd been born into. You'd been abandoned before you were even one. And your dads adopted you a couple years later.

"I'm sorry but my wards and I really must be getting home. You're very much welcome to join us if you're not needed elsewhere."

"I'm afraid no one expects me anywhere anymore. I've spent the last fifteen years traveling in hood of finding someone like me. I suppose I never planned further than getting answers.

She looked at you a moment, carefully considering her next words. "Well you're more than welcome to stay with us, for as long as you'd like."

You smiled at her. "I'd very much like to stay as long as you're willing to have me, Miss Peregrine."

"Please, you're another ymbryne, call me Alma when not in the presence of the children." She paused before continuing. "What kind of bird do you turn into?"

"A kite."

"Then your ymbryne title is Miss Kite, and that is how the children will refer to you. You'll be helping me in my usual duties and I'll teach you all you need to know. If that sounds alright with you?"

"That sounds more than alright, thank you Alma." You said, trying out her first name.

She nodded before leading you out of the tent and yelling to her children. "Time to pack up!" They quickly got to work, taking apart the few tents that's been set up and loading their contents onto a horse and trap. Then they got into what you could only assume were their normal seats. Crammed onto one bench was a girl in a pink dress with curly blonde hair, the strong girl, Bronwyn, and two odd looking twins. On the other bench was a well dressed boy, Fiona, Hugh, and Millard. On the front seat was Enoch, Olive, Victor and one other boy who looked around their age that you didn't recognize. Emma had been tied to the trap by the waist and began to float when she removed her shoes and threw them onto the trap.

The vehicle was completely full with that many people and you wondered how you and Alma would get back to the house. "Children, this is Miss Kite. She will be staying with us." She gave you a brief introduction before turning to you. "Can you fly?"

"Not very well." You admitted.

"No matter, but you'll need to change into a bird. Like so." She said then assumed bird form. She hopped off the pile of clothes she'd left behind and Millard put them on the trap. You did the same, following her lead. Millard loaded your clothes up as well and the horse and trap started up without another word.

Alma took off and then hovered above as if waiting for you to do the same. You tried but only fell back to the ground. When you tried again Alma held her wing out to help steady you. You were airborne but both of you knew that it wouldn't stay that way very long. You landed, her doing the same. You couldn't change back to discuss options so it took you by surprise when Alma took off and grabbed you in her talons.

She was fast despite holding you which was a pleasant surprise. Though if anyone saw you two they'd probably question why one bird of prey was holding another. It wasn't long before she landed on the porch of a stunning house. She set you down on the railing then perched next to you to wait. Nearly ten minutes later the horse and trap appeared. Millard got off holding yours and Alma's clothes, the rest of the children stayed on to ride it elsewhere. He walked over to the both of you and politely tipped his hat. "Hello Miss Peregrine, Miss Kite." He opened the door to the house and Miss Peregrine flew right in. When you didn't follow Millard held an arm out for you to perch on. You hopped on and allowed him to carry you through the house.

He led you upstairs to a room you assumed belonged to Alma. He set your clothes down on the bed and put Miss Peregrine's in the bathroom attached to her bedroom. When Miss P flew in he closed the door and instructed you to wait as he set you down on the bed then left the room. Alma was quick to change and leave the restroom. She silently picked up both you and your clothes and brought you to the bathroom, setting you back down before leaving to allow you privacy.

You changed though not nearly as quickly as Alma, you didn't doubt that she had much more practice than you did. When you exited the bathroom you found Alma was waiting patiently for you on the edge of the bed. "I think there's much to go over." She patted the spot on the bed next to her and you sat down. "I'll explain a bit more about peculiardom. Then I'll give you a tour and properly introduce you to all the children. And if you'd like you may spend the rest of the day with me." You nodded along and she began to go into more detail. Afterwards she introduced you to each of the children as promised. They were all very kind, except for Enoch, who's a grump.

The house was amazing, you loved it. "Regretfully we only have one guest room and I'd prefer to keep it open. You said you'd like to stay and given you're a fellow ymbryne, would you be alright with sharing a room with me?" Alma asked as you stood in the kitchen together. "Of course if you would be opposed you don't have to."

"No it's alright, I don't really mind." But all you could think about was how this beautiful woman had asked you to share a room with her. No Y/n, think of Jared. The rest of the day went by rather quickly. You got to watch Horace's dreams. And now it was nearing time for bed. You didn't have your clothes, having left them in your motel room on the mainland.

"Here you can narrow one of my nightgowns." Alma held out the item of clothing to you and pointed at a door. "You can change in the bathroom again." You nodded and left the room. Surprisingly the nightgown fit well despite Alma being taller than you. When you left restroom Alma had already changed and was busy unpinning her perfect hair.

You got in the bed and waited for her. She soon joined you and flicked off the lights. You exchanged goodnight's before falling asleep.


I'm watching Hamilton as I write this. It's great!

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