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Ciara: Hey, wanna know something?

Kane: No.

Ciara: Well, I have 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears and 2 karambits. Isn't that weird?

Kane: Not as much as the fact that you only have 2 braincells.


Author's Note:

Hello, to all of you readers! Just a gentle nudge to you to say that we've finally hit 100 parts to this book, and I'd just like to thank each and every one of you for reading and staying on, voting, and leaving comments on my work. It really means something  to me :) [Wow, this sounds so cliche but you know what I'll go with it.] Happy reading to all of you!

Also, I'd just like to apologize for neglecting this book for the past 3 months or so, I kind of got caught up in other priorities (whoops). Even so, I will try to update it more frequently from now on! So yeah, this book isn't discontinued (at least until I decide so heh)

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