Of course, Zero was unaware of all these incidents. At this moment, she had come to the loess city where she gathered in a floating boat.

    "Heisha City is already a barren city, this is the closest transfer station to the destination." Vice President Ling Tian stood on a high place and said loudly, "Everyone will take military cards in batches, and this route will become our transportation route. , Everyone pay attention to safety and order when transferring, and use the communicator to contact us at any time if there is a problem."

    "Received!" The

    army cards started to move in the wide airport, and they tightened the straps of their backpacks and followed the mercenaries beside them. She was divided into the second group of defenders, and Lu Nan and Jesse were in the third group of forwards. They were spread out, but maybe there was still a chance to gather in the mission.

    The shoes stomped on the ground, crushing the sand and making a creaking sound.

    Loess City is only a third-level livable city, and the environment is much worse than that of Baisha City. Even walking in the airport can feel the harsh cold wind and difficulty breathing.

    In order to resist the radiation exposure in the wilderness, each mercenary is assigned a special medicine to prevent the outbreak of genetic diseases.

    The orange-red sun hung overhead, casting a skewed reflection beneath her feet.

    Zero use the tip of his tongue against the special medicine, looking at the dark sky in the distance and thinking: what is the destination they are going to?

    There are many members on this mission, so even if they are assigned a group, they have to get on the bus one after the other. Zero was in the middle of the queue, and in front of him and behind him were all big men over 1.8 meters tall, with arms thicker than her thighs. A gang of mercenaries of five and three thick, with guns on their shoulders and knives in their hands. Occasionally, a few female mercenaries appeared, and they all looked very heroic and sassy. They could fight better than men, and they felt extremely oppressive.

    Zero stood in the line like an underage child.

    Suddenly, the quiet crowd rioted.

    "Team Mo, it's Team Mo!"

    "Victory! Victory!" The

    mercenaries began to shout slogans spontaneously, and Ling stood on tiptoe to see that Mo Sangwu, the president of the mercenary guild, had his legends everywhere. Even she had heard of his great name.

    However... She only saw a row of swaying backs of heads, her vision was blocked, and she couldn't even see a shadow.

    No way, Ling gently tugged at the mercenary standing in front of him: "This eldest brother, who is Team Mo?"

    "Ha?" The black-faced man carrying the heavy artillery turned back and gave her a look of surprise, " You are new here, right? You don't even know who Team Mo is?"

    "There, standing next to Deputy Team Ling, he is the tallest one!"

    Ling Tian had seen her before, so she probed her head. After a few more jumps, he finally found Mo Sang Wu in the crowd.

    He was a very strong-looking young man with short, neatly cut hair. He was burly and wore the same iron-grey camouflage combat uniform as everyone else. His cuffs were rolled up to reveal his sturdy forearms. He didn't have many weapons all over his body, but he stood out among a group of mercenaries about 1.8 meters tall.

Become the Mother of Machinery [Heartthrob]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें