I didn't realize just how many people were in our school, and I underestimated how many of those people were going to be at this party.

Two hours in, the house was packed, spewing with loud music from blaring speakers.

Missy went off somewhere, leaving me by myself near the snack table.

I think to myself, before finally giving in and pouring myself some fruit punch.

I take it like it were a shot, and decide to keep refilling until I get bored.


Something isn't right. I had just gulped down my third cup in a row, when I glance at where people were dancing.

It feels like I'm spinning, and an intense warmth comes over me.

I see Billy.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He questions simply.

"I..." I can barely speak or see. It was like someone was holding my grip on reality and shaking it, hard.

"Can... you take me home?" Slurring, I nearly stumble over.

He nods, and in what feels like only a millisecond I'm back at the Coopers front door. Billy knocks, at least I think he does. I can't tell, with the noise inside my head.

Someone appears, and they talk a little, but I can't hear them, their voices are muffled.

Billy, who had a hand on my shoulder removes his arm and my already disturbed sense of balance is broken.

I step forward, nominating the figure in the doorway as my new support. I wrap my arms around their neck and rest my cheek against their chest.

Damn. This person is even comfier then my bed. Seriously, I don't know why I haven't slept on them every night instead.

I nuzzle into them, now quite content with living the rest of my life like this.

"...goodbye." I hear the end of a sentence before the door shuts.

The person doesn't move for a few seconds before they decide to pick me up. Smart. I was not moving.

I get sat on the couch, and I give a soft whimper at the loss of touch when they pull away from me.


Oh my god!

It's that... that boy! I beam. This is like, the best day ever. I can't seem to remember his name, but I don't have to remember my feelings, my stomach already does backflips when I see his face.

Oh, was he talking to me?

"...can you hear me?"

I giggle, "C-Course I can- hic- hear you..." I mumble.

He kneels, which I'm thankful for. It makes it easier to see him.
Why isn't he... urgh...
I just want to pull him close and kiss his... perfect, plump lips-

"What did you drink?" He asks softly, and I blink at him.

"Some- hic- really good... juice."

He mutters something to himself, and I catch the words 'troublemakers' and 'spiked'.

"Okay. Are you tired?" He checks, turning back to me.
Hah. Not at all.
I tell him that, and he stands up.

"W-Where are y...ou going?" I whine, reaching out for him.
He smiles before taking my hands and pulling me up. "Don't worry, you're coming too." He reassures, a look of amusement on his face.

I glare at him, "I... better!"
I give a squeak as I'm picked up again, but I quickly adjust to it.

We enter a room, and I'm placed onto a bed. Damn.

"Taking me to the- hic- bedroom already? You are fast!"

He freezes at my comment.
Oh. Em. Gee, he's blushing.

"Hah- that's not... I thought you'd want to sit on the bed." I pause and slide down to sit on the floor.

"Actually...! it might be safer for me... here." I did not want to vomit all over his bed.

He pulls out a white book from a box and sits across from me, cross-legged.

"Why the- hic- hell are you reading?" He glances up at me. "So I know what to do. Because I really don't know what to do right now."

I sigh and jab my finger at my legs while he reads, but naturally I get bored after a couple of minutes.

I scoot closer, so that our knees are touching. "Heyyy..." I complain, now taking up poking him instead.

He doesn't react.

I sniffle. He's ignoring me.


Still, no answer. I frown.

I want to go cry to someone about it, but he was really the only person I wanted to talk to.

"Dude..." I poke his cheek.
Damn, his skin is soft.

Would it... feel the same against my lips? I lean even closer, and plant a kiss against his cheek.

[Young] Sheldon Cooper x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now