just girls being girls

Start from the beginning

"Ah... Just not many people frequent this trail. It's quite a distance away from anything."

"Why do you come out here then?"

"Well I like to come on walks to clear my head sometimes. And you're avoiding the question!" Vivian snaps, stopping and glaring at you, dropping her act in a flash, "You are some weird girl, I found laying on the side of the road who claims it's midnight when the sun is still very clearly in the sky! So pardon me for wondering what you're doing all the way out here!" She huffs and continues walking. You stare at her retreating back, eyes widening with shock. Great, and now you've pissed off this random girl. What a great track record you're developing [Name].

"I fell." You call out to her, causing her to stop again. You are so good at this.

"What? Out of a tree?"

"Not exactly..." You avert your eyes to the brown dirt.

"Then where exactly did you fall from, when there's no where else for you to fall?"

"From a bank. I was helping someone up a bank and the top of it gave way, causing me to fall."

"Oh! From a bank!" She huffs, "Honestly, are you sure you're not insane? First you think it's night and now you say you fell from a bank that doesn't even exist."

"Yes. I'm sure." Her face drops to be unreadable. Man she's really pissed now. Next thing she does is probably going to be punching you in the face, adding to your growing number of head traumas.

"Say, where were you before... before you were here?"

"Uh... A park." You raise a brow at her sudden question, "It's called... Iron Point* park... Or something along those lines."

"I-" She stops, "You swear you're telling the truth to me?"


"There's no parks I know of with the name 'Iron Point'. Or any parks near here to begin with. The closest one is on the other side of town." You stare at each other. For a while. Just two girls. Staring intently at each other. For like five minutes. You break the silence first.

"Where are we then?"

"We're in Roling, Tennessee*" You two stare at each other some more. You both just... Really like looking at each other in shock. "Maybe we should get moving. Other wise, we'll be out here until it is night." Vivian cedes, with you nodding in agreement.

The rest of the walk was quick. You finally cared enough to match Vivian's stride, and you were more focused on the actual walking then getting caught up in your self misery and rock kicking. It was mostly silent as well, save for the brief conversation at the start, where you told Vivian that you weren't even in Tennessee at the moment of your accident. That alarmed her even further as she questioned you (again), on the levels of your sanity.

You had to walk through the town of Roling briefly before you finally made it to the outside of Vivian's residence. It was huge. At least two stories, painted blue, and with a stereotypical white picket fence surrounding the surprisingly well kept yard. A garden box sat below one of the windows, filled with purple flowers that you couldn't identify. Definitely more impressive than anything you've ever lived in before.

"Come on then." Vivian calls from in front of the door, "It's just a house. No need for the gawking." Just a house, huh. You dash up the stone pathway to make it into the building before she loses all hospitality and slams the door on your face.

The inside was just as impressive as the outside, although it certainly wouldn't feature in any sort of interior design magazine. Most of the furniture appeared looked quite dated, even if it's quality was incredibly pristine.

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