Chapter 6: A love the countess killed

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I was in bed with James as he was over me pounding into me

♪ Well, I'm down on my knees again ♪
♪ And I pray to the only one ♪
♪ Who has the strength to bear the pain ♪
♪ To forgive all the things that I've done ♪
♪ Oh, girl ♪

"My fallen angel." He moaned into my ears as I grab his hair harshly

♪ Lead me into your darkness ♪
♪ When this world is trying its hardest ♪
♪ To leave me unimpressed ♪
♪ Just one caress ♪
♪ From you and I'm blessed... ♪

"My delicate bell." I cuddled up to him as his hand rubs my back comfortably after our fun

"I love you my king of darkness."

"My queen of lightness." I chuckled lightly running hands threw his jet black hair


"Yes my beauty."

"What made you fall in love with me?"

"That my dear is a question i always wonder but I know your kindness the light inside of you is what brings me such light into me in my wicked darkness."

"I guess I've always been brought up by such kindness but you bring me in such a happy medium." We kissed passionately

"Maybe even a darkside that want to come out and make it wild."

"That's my doll." We kissed again going for another round. At the front desk helping Liz I was fixing my dress making sure theirs no wrinkle when

"I need your help." Said a blonde who I did not know

"Judging by how fast you put your nose up in the air when I offered you an evening of backgammon and rosé-- to welcome you, no less-- I'm really not your girl."

"John somehow discovered the sleeping chamber."

"Where is he now?"

"I gave him two milligrams of Versed to keep him out for a couple of hours. He can't know about Holden and me. I almost died when I lost him."

"I get it. That once-in-a-lifetime love, it's the only thing that can gut you raw and make your world pyrotechnic in color."

"Everyone's entitled to one true love." I said honestly having that feeling with James

"There's a broom and a dustpan in the cleaning closet, Nanny McPhee. We got to get rid of those coffins." I help them once we made sure the coffins were destroyed and all the evidence clean up she heads up to deal with her dilemma let's just say it wasn't the only trouble while I was bringing up the food for Elizabeth child her only child Bartholomew who was a bit in the under side the door was open which was bad sign cause the door should never be open ever so I left the dish an told Elizabeth new helper and Liz

"I left the door open to the dishhouse, so it's possible he may just crawl back in there. He can't have gotten far. We need to find him before The Countess gets back, or there'll be hell to pay." I told her then went to the bar where Liz was with Ramona who I adored making sure she was fine after her encounter with Bartholomew

"You want some more ice for that?"

"Mmm. Mmm, naw. It'll be all healed up in an hour. Did you find it?" She asked me

"It's being taken care of." I told her

"That thing should've died way back when it was supposed to."

"Same thing could be said for a lot of people around here. Which is why we have to ask you to leave. Not that it's not been nice having you here. It is, I have missed you. All the other girls around here are either dead or dumpy."

"Hey." I said a bit offended

"Oh not you dear, your a hoot."

"Hmmm." I hummed

"But I can't have any upsets. Not now."

"Why? What's going on? Come on, spill the tea."

"I'm in love."

"Aw." I said smiling for Liz

"Finally and for the first time in my life."

"Well, I'll be damned. I sensed a glow."


"Who is he?"


"Not one of them rough trade corner boys you always liked too much?"

"No. His name is Tristan." The guy with red streak hmmm.

"He's young. He's beautiful. He's... exquisitely damaged. He's mine. Mostly."

"Tristan? Isn't that the name of The Countess' new squeeze?"

"She doesn't love him."

"Of course she doesn't. You think that's gonna matter? Look, if you really want to be with this boy, what you need to do is run."

"Tristan is a passing fancy for her. If I am really honest with her, if I tell her from the heart what we mean to each other, she will understand."

"Oh, she will rip that heart right out of your chest." I said honestly knowing Elizabeth just a wicked witch with no heart at all and she's not one to share her playthings

"Belladonna right just know when it's time to run." Let's just say I had a death feeling aura when Liz came to me crying the countess killed Tristan I knew she couldn't let her be happy after everything she's done for her. I comfort her I didn't care if Liz was in Tristan blood she needed someone and I was gonna be there for her as her ghostly friend.

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