Changing bobby**4

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**picture of west**

The class went by fast with Bobby sitting beside me scared to even look up.Soon school was over and I walked him to his car.

"I'll see you at four".

"O-okay".he said not looking at me.
I open the car door for him and he got in and lock it immediately. I backed away from the car and he drove out of school, i walk to my car and saw West waiting for me.

"Hey dude,you staying for practice?"he ask.

"No I have something to do".

"Well okay,call you later then."

"Okay".he walked away and I got in my car and drove out of school.

I went inside my house and went upstairs to shower .After I was finish I went downstairs and saw my mom and grandma.

"Hey guys I'm going out".

"Ok baby be good".my mom said.

"Bye sweet heart".

I left the house and drove down the street.I arrives at Bobby's house and got out of the car.I went to the door and rang the door bell.

"Go away or I'm calling the cops!".bobby's shaky voice yelled from the other side.

"Bobby its me Ashton".I said.
I heard the door unlock and he opened it.He smile weakly and step aside.I walked in and he close the door.

"Hey Bobby".

"Hi,want to watch TV?". He ask and I nod.

He walked up to the tv.

"Sit".he pointed to his bed.

I sat down and he came and sat down,far as possible from me.I sighed.

"Bobby,why are you afraid?".I ask after a few minutes.


"Its something, I told you,you can trust me I won't hurt you".

"And I said nothing".

I thought about it for a while,he like a suicidal movie.He doesn't like to be touch,he never go out and he live with his parents.

"Bobby where are you parents?".i ask.
He was silent,he was looking down and his hand but I can his eyes began to water quickly and before I knew it he was curled up in a ball crying his eyes out.What did I just do.I went over and hold him.

"Bobby I'm sorry,I'm so sorry".I held him closer and rocked him.He sob uncontrollably,after a few minutes he calm down and moved out of my hold.

"Don't a-ask anything about t-them please".

I nod and he turn back to the TV as if nothing happened.
We went downstairs later and ate some snacks.I wanted to know what happened to his parents but I didn't want to ask,I wanted him to tell me when he's ready and I hope that will be soon.

"Bobby you know you don't have to be afraid".I said.he looked down.

"Yea I do,people are dangerous".he said.

"want me to pick you up tomorrow?".He looked at me.

"Why would you do that?".he ask.

"Because I want to,plus I can keep and eye on you".I shrug.


My phone buzz in my pocket and I looked at it seeing that it was a text from my mom.

"Bobby I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow okay".

I got up and he followed me to the door,I turn and look at him.

"What?".he ask.

"Can I get a hug?".

He smiled nervously and nod.I pulled him into my arms and hug him tightly he wrap is arms around me and hug back.We pulled away a while after and I open the door.

"Bye bobby".


**Bobby's P.O.V**

I woke up from another nightmare,this one was bout Dylan. The day I went to visit him in the hospital,the day he died.I sob to myself in the corner of my bed.

my grandma cane in the room and I quickly got up.

"Morning honey, how was school yesterday?".she ask.

"Its okay,I did well you know cause it was my first day".

"That's good,get ready now".he left the room.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower.I pulled on some clothes,black, and went down stairs.I took a seat at the table and my grandma put a plate of food in front of me.

"Hey kid,you alright?".grandpa ask fixing his tie.

"Yea,I'm fine".

When I was finish,I put my plate in the dish washer and went up stairs to brush my teeth I finish just in time to hear a honk out side.I went down and grab my bag.

"Honey,who is that?"grandma looked at me with worried eyes.

"Oh um,I made a-a friend".I smile at them

"That's great",they both said.

"And do you trust this friend?"grandpa ask.

"Its getting there",I whispered as if it was a thought.

"Okay be careful".

"Okay bye".

I walked out the door and walked to the car,I slowly got in and Ashton smile at me.

"Hey".I whispered shyly and looked down.

I felt a hand on my chin and my head was lift and turn to face Ashton.

"Hey Bobby".he smile and I blush a little from his gentleness.

He started the car and drove off.

"Bobby I have football practice today".

"I can wait",why did I just say that.

"You sure?".

"Yea".I'm so stupid.When he's at practice who will be there with me.

We turned into school and got out of the car a girl came jumping into Ashton's arms.

"Ashy".she yelled as I jump back,Ashton pulled me behind him and I took in a deep breath and hold it.I've been doing that to control myself from freaking out.

"I've missed you baby".she hug him tighter.

I step back slowly and walked off heading into school leaving them to have there moment.I think she's his girlfriend.

I kept myself in the corner as I walk to my locker. I took out my nook and turn looking around.I look at all the guys passing by they were all attractive in their own way.I turned and walked to my first class.I sat by the window in the corner,I took in the view and blocked everything else out.

Changing Bobby **BxB**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن