After a bit of deliberation the pair of you decided to go get dinner at McDonalds. Not of your own volition however. Well technically it is, but you were salty that you lost the game of rock-paper-scissors, so now Dani had to deal with you complaining. 

And complain you did. While you were putting on shoes. While you were walking down the stairs. When you were stopped from entering the McDonalds for like ten minutes because some famous dickbag was in there and they wouldn't let anyone in for 'security reasons'. 

Well, really it wasn't just any famous person. It was one very particular famous person. Infamous is a better word though. The United States of America. Or just America for short. You and Dani however preferred the spur of the moment nickname 'McDonalds Dickbag' though. Definitely didn't fly with the security guards though. Their glares could kill. To bad you can't be killed though. 

"Man that took forever!" Dani exclaimed, setting the greasy paper bag on the picnic table you had found in the park. You nodded in agreement as you you take an aggressive sip of your sprite, before cringing from the carbonation. You never liked carbonation, but you would go as far as fighting a major deity from every religion as long as it meant you got your sprite.

"Like I can't believe that America of all people was... Of all countries?" You shrug being unable to clarify her confusion and pull your hamburger out of the bag, "Whatever. But seriously! What is he even doing here?!" 

"Maybe they're having some sort of meeting in the area? It would explain the security. Or..." You take a bite, "He just decided he wanted food from that McDonalds in particular?" 

"Shhh... No rational thoughts here" You smile at her nonsense. Dani was an amazing roommate to have.

You remain in the park for a while. Talking and filling up the empty air with a ricochet of questions, most of which were about your personal lives. You told your very exciting tale of the time some over zealous chemistry student almost poisoned the entire cheer team. She probably would have gotten away with it too if she wasn't caught by the meddling biology teacher. You don't actually know if she ever got charged for that, but it's the only exciting story you have to tell from all your years of school.

Dani's stories are much more plentiful than yours. Most of them revolving around sports. Her favourite story was one from her first year of Highschool. She had just joined the volley ball team, and as a tradition her school always pit the freshmen against the seniors. During that match however two of the freshmen Dani was teamed with got into a nasty fight, that was impending the games progress. Out of frustration, the senior who was serving sent the ball straight towards the two freshmen who proceeded to get hit square in the chests due to their distraction. 

"Dani! Dani hey!" A voice called from the pressing darkness that had begun to fall around you. 

"Ari! Took you long enough!" The peppy girl skips up to the table, before jumping onto it. 

"C'mon, you just decided to show up hours early." 

"Can't deny that Dani." A new voice said as it approached the table. The owner, a tall, slightly scrawny guy, set his bag on the table behind Ari with a thud. "And this must be your roommate?" He gestures to you, catching Ari's attention. 

"Oh my god it is you!" She giggled, her brown curls bouncing as she swung her legs around on the table to face you, straddling the plastic bag, "Sorry about sitting my ass in your face as a greeting. How 'bout a do over? I'm Arabelle. Feel free to call me Ari though."

"Yeah. Hey." The scrawny guy said, waving at you awkwardly, "Call me Dan." 

"Uh. Hey?" You smile nervously, a gnawing pit of anxiety growing in your stomach "Call me [Name]. It's nice to meet you." 

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