Staying Positive and Gathering Information

Start from the beginning

Ron smiled coldly. "What secret are you talking about?"

Cale smiled, even though no one could see it because of the mask, and continued. "So, good night, Ron. Don't stay up too late."

Cale waved his hand as he walked away. 'At least he didn't kill me outright. I wonder what hold him back... I'm not even registered as my father's son. I'm just someone that wasn't supposed to exist. As far as the memories shown before, except for father, Ron and Beacrox Hyung, only a few servants know of my existence.'

When Cale arrived back at the room, he realized he haven't taken a bath. "Do I want to look for a bath this late at night? Or do I sleep with this condition? I miss my slacker life."

Cale felt too tired to go out again. "I don't even know where the servants normally take their bath... I will... haaaaamn (🥱) ask Ron tomorrow. Zzz..."


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The next morning...

Cale woke up and stretched lightly before sitting down and stared blankly at the door, waiting for Ron to bring his meal.

After his stomach growled for the ten times, a servant other than Ron brought the meal.

"What bad luck do I have today? Tch..." The servant roughly place the tray down at the doorway before leaving.

Cale's eyes glinted dangerously. Even as a trash, Cale was never been treated this way, furthermore, whatever the reason, Cale was one to never tolerate such disrespect from a stranger. 'Until I get stronger... just until I get stronger... I can't die in vain before I find out which bastard dragged me here.'

Cale eat the hard bread and the cold soup.

Right after meal, Cale sneaked out silently while avoiding everyone. He wasn't as good as Beacrox or even Hong when it came to stealth training under Ron's teaching, but at least it was to the point where normal people couldn't detect him easily.

Of course, his On was the best with stealth.

Of course, his On was the best with stealth

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'Oh, On... my beloved daughter...' Cale thought of the last time he saw On.

He shook his head afterwards. He should find a way to get stronger as quickly as possible rather than reminiscing uselessly.

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