"Grow up!" Hoseok growled.

"Grow a pair." Agust retorted. "Or did Yoonji take yours?"

"Stop!" Taehyung shouted. "Just shut up!"

Agust sighed dramatically, plopping down into Yoongi's chair. "Nobody lets me have any fun." He spun the chair in circles. "I wanna play teacher too, you know!" He opened all of Yoongi's drawers. "Homework, homework, tests, lesson plans, homework."

He threw some papers into the air, watching them fall to the floor, leaving a mess.

There was a static crackling sound, and then an announcement over the loudspeakers.

"Mr. Min please report the principal's office please. Min Yoongi to the principal's office please. Thank you."

Namjoon heart jolted.

This was it.

The moment of reckoning. 

In just a few, short moments, he would have his boyfriend back.

Agust grinned and shot to his feet. "Well boys, time to get your precious teacher fired!"

Namjoon and Taehyung followed the man out, while the rest of the class watched them leave, anxious and upset.

Jungkook put his head in his hands, praying he didn't just fuck everything up with his last-minute stunt.


Agust barged into the principal's office, throwing the door open with a flourish.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" He asked, batting his eyelash innocently.

Barnes motioned to the chair in front of his desk, all business. "Please take a seat, Mr. Min."

"Huh?" The man looked around the room for second. "Oh, me." Agust chuckled, walking over and sitting down.

Namjoon saw the recorder was on his desk and bit his fingernail nervously.

On Barnes side, was the assistant principal, Mr. Khan. He was looking as serious as the principal was.

"I found this on my desk this morning." Barnes said, motioning to the camera. "I don’t know who dropped it off, but I do know what's on it."

"What could it possibly be?" Agust asked in a fake high-pitched voice, acting incredulously.

Taehyung gave him a subtle, warning kick under the desk.

"It was a sex tape." Barnes said matter-of-factly. "Between you and one of your students." His eyes flicked to Namjoon and the boy flushed, realizing his principal had seen him on a fucking machine.


Agust was cut off when Taehyung pretended to cough, grabbing Agust’s shoulder tightly to stop him.

"Look, Mr. Min, I respect you and the class you teach. I think it's important to teach sexually active kids about the importance of consent and how to stand up for themselves in a situation where abuse may arise."

Agust looked dramatically to Namjoon.

"Ironic." He whispered loudly.

"But you and I both know you the terms you signed when I let you teach this class at this school." Barnes continued sternly. "All class activities must happen in class or on school grounds. By having sex with Mr. Kim in your house, you violated the school's rules, the rules for your own class, and even worse, the law." He explained seriously. "It is illegal for a teacher to date their student, as teachers are in a position of authority over their students and all relationships must have an equal balance of power to be considered safe and legal. You knew this, Min Yoongi. So please explain why you let this happen?" He was glaring now, and Namjoon was panicking.

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