Chapter 56 - Connections

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I nodded. "I couldn't even tell."

"Thank you." She said with a small smile. "But the story isn't one of triumph. My mother secretly bore a lot of hate for me. She was resentful that I was born, that I made her life so hard. She never told me this of course. But once I awakened my soul I found out. She didn't allow me to ever mention my powers either. So when I found a cursed spirit attached to her, because of her resentment toward me, I tried to help.  But she just wouldn't have it. She even slapped me once when she found out I talked to dad about training me to get rid of it."

"What? But-"

"She didn't know better, she thought she was protecting me. So I obeyed, because I'd already hurt her enough in my head.  So little by little I watched her get sicker and sicker, because of her hate for me and her life. I was terrible at soul release, because I was unable to connect to my own emotions. So even when I learned how, I failed and she died. And from there I was bounced through the adoption centers, dealt with…" she rubbed her arm. "A lot of bad people. People took advantage of me in every way. Because I felt like I deserved it deep down. That is, until I started taking therapy, and learning how to deal with my past. Which made me want to help other people, like you."

I opened my mouth, but couldn't say anything. Wow, that was a superhero backstory if I've ever heard one before. What am I supposed to say to that? Gee, I'm glad you got wrecked by life so you can help me now? Or thank you for sharing? Man, how do I let her know I really appreciate her being honest?  Do I just say that? 

Just as the thought came in, the air suddenly started to drop in temperature. It was like the frozen wind was grazing against my skin. That's when I used my soul to search, and quickly found another soul nearby. That's when the slow creaking of the sliding door echoed throughout the room. Himitsu and I turned toward the sound, and we watched as the sliding door slowly began to open. A feminine hand with red nail polish poked out from the door's crease as she continued to push it open.

"Ah, and here's my familiar, I see she couldn't wait." Himitsu said. 

The door was now fully open and a beautiful woman stepped through. She had long shining obsidian locks that bounced as she walked. Her skin was almost white in color and made the blood that stained her cheeks almost shine in comparison. It was complemented by a red, white and light blue Kimono that hugged her pear shaped figure. The red design almost made the blood that still ran down not stand out so much. 

A trail of blood still rained down from the liver that was dangling out from her teeth. She turned toward me and tilted her head. Her demonic yellow and red eyes stared intently into my own, as if she found a new prey.

She stepped deeper inside, a frozen mist following her every step as she did. The liver that was clutched between her rows of jagged teeth dropped from her mouth. While her teeth retracted and became normal looking. She kept her eyes locked onto mine and didn't say a word. My heart started to race and I looked to Himitsu, who was too busy eating more Onigiri. Is she really gonna let me die for Onigiri!? 

I faced the woman again and opened my soul to her and a flash came into my mind. A scene played showing her in a park when she was younger. She was hunched over a squirrel. Her teeth had grown sharp and she lost control and tore through it. Eating it like a starving dog. 

Suddenly the scene changed to her in her home. She was hiding behind a wall as she watched her parents screaming at one another. Her father suddenly slapped their mother, blaming her for their defective daughter. Then the mom's skin grew more pale, and her fingers turned to claws and she rushed the father. Taking him down and biting into his side. Then she tore through it like butter, blood gushed out from his flailing body as a demonic scream came from her mother.


Then it flashed to just her alone in the woods. Staring down a child walking with her father on a snowy day. She watched them, growing resentful. Why couldn't that be me? Why did I lose everything? Because of children like her. Then, she ran at the family and the scene went black. 

As reality came back to me, she was just inches from my face. Her demonic eyes peered deeply into my own, while my anxiety faded. There was silence between us before I finally reached out and rested my hand against her cheek. Where she leaned into it. 

"I get why you wanted to meet me, you wanted to connect to me because I understood, right? That hate and resentment?"

"Watashi wa anata o watashi no otto ni shimasu." She said and leaned forward.

Her soft lips pressed against my own. While the coppery taste of blood filled my lips as well. A chill ran down my spine and for a moment I was frozen in place, my lips kissing back. Only to finally remember what the hell was happening. I leaped back, my heart racing again as I got to my feet and pointed at the thing.

"W-w-w-w-what the hell was that for! What did she say!?" I demanded.

Himitsu snickered. "She said, ''I'm gonna make you my husband."


Come on, did my first kiss really have to be with a Yokai!?

Monster KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz