26. Dreams

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|Prime POV|

This paperwork was endless, and it was boring as shit. I took a look at my pocketwatch, I'd been working for hours.

My mask had been off for a long time, I was so stressed.

I held my face with my hands, closing my eyes to try and get a moments peace.


I stood up quickly, my heart racing.


No, it couldn't be.

I placed my mask back on my face and walked to the door of my office, listening closely, I heard soft crying from the other side.

I opened the door and took a step forward, only to find myself in the middle of a snowy plain.

My lack of sleep is really catching up to me.

I looked at the snow in front of me to find a trail of blood.

Elongated drops, suggests victim was running. Tip of the drops point forward, victim was running from south to north. Small amounts of blood, minor wound or perhaps the wound was being treated. However there are no footprints. Strange.

The lack of footprints may mean the victim was flung or perhaps they were gliding.

Hard to tell but gliding is the likely option with how the blood pattern seems to be slightly inconsistent. Meaning they were slowly getting closer to the ground, but at a steady pace.

I kept following the tracks.

Then I saw a figure huddled over in the snow, clutching their stomach.

Soft sobs came from them, as they bent over in pain.

I came closer to the figure, until I was standing right over them.

I recognised them and took a step back from shock.


Who would hurt you like this?

I heard snow crunching beneath someone's boots and Y/n heard it too.

They looked towards the noise, looking right past me as if I wasn't there, my eyes followed theirs as the figure drew nearer.

No. No. It can't be.

The figure lifted a scalpel up and held it out to Y/n.

"Please... Dottore no..."

"Oh but my dear, I simply have to, you are far from perfect and perfection is what I need from you."

No. I wouldn't hurt them like that. I could never. They're wonderful, perfect in every way.

"Please Dottore, you're scaring me!"

"Scaring you? Ha! My dear, we both know I am capable of far worse than this,"

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now